
Rezi Charges Description Api

POST api/chargesdescription/Save

DELETE api/chargesdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/ChargesDescription/{id}


Rezi Group Api.

GET api/screenz/config/{screenid}

Gets the config back for a screen with a guid that was registered against a branch

GET api/screenz/registered

Gets the config back for a screen with a guid that was registered against a branch

POST api/screenz/register

Gets Creates a new screenz display for the branch

DELETE api/screenz/delete/{screenid}

Gets Creates a new screenz display for the branch


Rezi Lettings Progression Api.

POST api/progression/lettings/instructtolet

Instructs a role to be let

POST api/progression/lettings/fallenthrough

Set Marketing Role as Fallen Through

POST api/progression/lettings/let

Set letting to Let (Occupied)

POST api/progression/lettings/remarket

Remarket a Letting. Completes the PropertyLettingRole and the TenantRole and creates a new PropertyLettingRole

POST api/progression/lettings/withdrawInstruction

Withdraw a letting at the end of let

POST api/progression/lettings/completeletting

Withdraw a letting at the end of let

POST api/progression/lettings/setheadtenant?id={id}&tenantPersonId={tenantPersonId}&groupId={groupId}

Set the head tenant of a tenant role

PUT api/progression/lettings/signunsigndeed?guarantorId={guarantorId}&signed={signed}

Set the head tenant of a tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/setdeposit

Sets the deposit on a letting role

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/setfurnishinglevel

Sets the deposit on a letting role

POST api/progression/lettings/referencetenant?id={id}&tenantPersonId={tenantPersonId}&referenceStatus={referenceStatus}&referenceType={referenceType}&name={name}&notes={notes}&referenceDate={referenceDate}

Reference a tenant on a tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/referenceguarantor?id={id}&guarantorPersonId={guarantorPersonId}&referenceStatus={referenceStatus}&name={name}&notes={notes}&referenceDate={referenceDate}

Reference a guarantor on a tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/assignguarantortotenant?id={id}

Assign guarantor to a tenant and vice versa

PUT api/progression/lettings/setestimatedmoveindate

Change the estimated move in date for the tenancy.

PUT api/progression/lettings/addtenant?tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}

Add Tenant to the tenant group and create relevant tenant info for them.

PUT api/progression/lettings/addlandlord?roleId={roleId}

Add Tenant to the tenant group and create relevant tenant info for them.

PUT api/progression/lettings/addguarantor?tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}&groupId={groupId}

Add Guarantor to the letting group.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachtenantdocument?tenantInfoId={tenantInfoId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a tenant.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachlandlorddocument?landlordInfoId={landlordInfoId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a tenant.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachguarantorgroupdocument?guarantorGroupId={guarantorGroupId}&tenancyId={tenancyId}

Allows you to upload a lettings document and attach it directly to a guarantor group.

POST api/progression/lettings/detatchdocumentfromlandlord?landlordInfoId={landlordInfoId}&documentId={documentId}

Detatch a document from a landlord.

POST api/progression/lettings/detatchdocumentfromtenant?tenantInfoId={tenantInfoId}&documentId={documentId}

Detatch a document from a landlord.

POST api/progression/lettings/detatchdocumentfromguarantor?guarantorId={guarantorId}&documentId={documentId}&personId={personId}

Detatch a document from a landlord.

POST api/progression/lettings/detatchdocumentfromreference?referenceId={referenceId}&documentId={documentId}

Detatch a document from a reference.

PUT api/progression/lettings/removeguarantor?tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}&guarantorGroupId={guarantorGroupId}

Add Guarantor to the letting group.

PUT api/progression/lettings/removeguarantors?tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}

Add Guarantor to the letting group.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachguarantordocument?guarantorId={guarantorId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a guarantor.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachguarantorreferencedocument?guarantorId={guarantorId}&referenceId={referenceId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a guarantor.

POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachrighttorentdocument?tenantInfoId={tenantInfoId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a r ight to rent.

PUT api/progression/lettings/{tenantInfoId}/detachrighttorentdocument/{documentId}


POST api/progression/lettings/uploadandattachtenantreferencedocument?tenantInfoId={tenantInfoId}&referenceId={referenceId}&tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a guarantor.

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/inventory/uploaddocument

Uploads an inventory document for a tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/inventory/setrequired?required={required}

Sets whether inventory is needed on tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/inventory/setagreed?agreed={agreed}

Sets whether inventory is agreed with tenants

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/inventory/savenote?note={note}

Add a note to a tenant role inventory

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/addtenantdeposit

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/addtenantfee

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/addtenantcharge

GET api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/tenantcharges

Get all charges for tenant.

DELETE api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/removetenantcharge?chargeIds[0]={chargeIds[0]}&chargeIds[1]={chargeIds[1]}

Remove charges from a tenant role

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/addpayment

Add Tenant Payment

POST api/progression/lettings/{tenantRoleId}/makepayment

No documentation available.

POST api/progression/lettings/{roleId}/unpaytenantcharge?paymentIds[0]={paymentIds[0]}&paymentIds[1]={paymentIds[1]}

No documentation available.

GET api/progression/lettings/{id}/tenantstatement

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/removepayment/{paymentId}

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/addpet

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/editpet

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/removepet/{petId}

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/addpermittedoccupier

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/updatepermittedoccupier

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/removepermittedoccupier/{permittedOccupierId}

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/markidreceived

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/registrationscheme

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/markrighttorentreceived?tenantPersonId={tenantPersonId}&received={received}&rightToRentType={rightToRentType}&rightToRentStatus={rightToRentStatus}

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/settenanthousingbenefits

PUT api/progression/lettings/{id}/settenantbill

DELETE api/progression/lettings/{id}/removetenantbill?tenantBillId={tenantBillId}

GET api/progression/lettings/{tenantRoleId}/getguarantors

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/setguaranteedrent?amount={amount}

Set the guaranteed rent a landlord will receive for a roles tenancies

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/setdefaultmilestones

Set tenant role milestones as the defaults for agency

POST api/progression/lettings/{id}/resetmilestones

Reset tenant role milestones back to agency defaults

POST api/progression/lettings/resetdefaultmilestones

Reset agency default milestones back to global defaults

POST api/progression/lettings/createpmtenancy

Create a tenant role


Rezi Digital Signature Api.

POST api/sendgrid/bounce

creates an event when a envelope is bounced by sendgrid


Rezi RightsRestrictions Description Api

POST api/rightsrestrictionsdescription/Save

Save or update a RightsRestrictions Description

DELETE api/rightsrestrictionsdescription/Delete?id={id}

Delete a RightsRestrictions Description by its Id

GET api/RightsRestrictionsDescription/{id}

Get a RightsRestrictions Description by its Id


Rezi Brand Api.

GET api/branding/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/branding/getallbrands

Get all brands with details for an agency

GET api/branding/getbranddocuments?brandid={brandid}

Gets back the enum data to fill the dropdown menus

GET api/branding/branch

Gets a sumary all of the brands for a branch

PUT api/branding/{id}/attachexternaldocument

Attaches an external document to brand.

PUT api/branding/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Uploads and attaches a document to a brand.

PUT api/branding/{id}/uploadandattachdocumenttodefault

Uploads and attaches a document to a brand.

PUT api/branding/{id}/attachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Attaches a document to a brand.

PUT api/branding/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a brand.

PUT api/branding/{id}/uploaddocumentcustomisation

Upload the data to customise a Brand Document.

GET api/branding/{id}/getcustomisationdata?roleId={roleId}&documentId={documentId}

POST api/branding/uploadsmstemplate

Upload the data to create a SMS Document Template for a Brand.

POST api/branding/uploademailtemplate

Upload the data to create a Email Document Template for a Brand.

GET api/branding/websitesetup/{brandId}

Get files and details that can be used to customize a website

POST api/branding/htmladvert/{brandId}

Upload the a html advert for a brand.

GET api/branding/htmladverts/{brandId}

Upload the a html advert for a brand.

GET api/Branding

Gets a sumary all of the brands for a agency


Rezi API Tenancy

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setdates

Set start date, terms, end date and notice period for tenancy. assertions

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setenddate

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setagreement

Set Agreement type for the tenancy.

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setparking

Set parking details for the tenancy.

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setrentschedule

GET api/tenancy/{id}/rentdates?overrideEndDate={overrideEndDate}

POST api/tenancy/{id}/settenantrequirements

GET api/tenancy/{id}/tenantclauses

POST api/tenancy/{id}/addtenantclause

POST api/tenancy/{id}/addbreakclause?systemName={systemName}

PUT api/tenancy/{id}/updatetenantclause

DELETE api/tenancy/{id}/removetenantclause/{clauseId}

POST api/tenancy/{id}/renew

POST api/tenancy/renewtenancy

No documentation available.

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setrent

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setnoticeperiod

GET api/tenancy/{id}/historicchanges?from={from}

GET api/tenancy/{id}/historicagreements

GET api/tenancy/{id}/signeddocuments

POST api/tenancy/{id}/settenancyinfo

POST api/tenancy/{id}/signdocument

POST api/tenancy/{id}/bookcheckout

POST api/tenancy/checkout/{id}/feedback

POST api/tenancy/{id}/nextaction

POST api/tenancy/{id}/cancelnextaction

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setrenewaloptions

POST api/tenancy/endtenancy

PUT api/tenancy/{id}/addforwardaddress

DELETE api/tenancy/{id}/removeforwardaddress

PUT api/tenancy/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a tenancy role

POST api/tenancy/{id}/settenancytype?tenancyTypeName={tenancyTypeName}

Updated tenancy type

POST api/tenancy/{id}/rentdifferencewithschedule

Gets the rent split/consolidate summary for determining next rent amounts.

POST api/tenancy/{id}/generaterentdemand?dueDate={dueDate}&futureDemand={futureDemand}

Create next rent demand for the tenancy

POST api/tenancy/{id}/createrentdemand

Create custom rent demand for the tenancy

POST api/tenancy/generaterentdemandjobsimulation?FromDate={FromDate}&ToDate={ToDate}

No documentation available.

POST api/tenancy/{id}/setadditionalservice

Create/Update additional service on tenancy

POST api/tenancy/{id}/removeadditionalservice/{additionalServiceId}

Remove additional service from tenancy

POST api/tenancy/{id}/updateadditionalservicereading/{readingId}

Create/Update additional service on tenancy

POST api/tenancy/{id}/updateadditionalservice/{additionalServiceId}

Create/Update additional service on tenancy

GET api/tenancy/{id}/rentdemands?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&includeOpen={includeOpen}&includePaid={includePaid}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get rent demands for the tenant role

GET api/tenancy/rentDemands/csv?tenant={tenant}&includeOpen={includeOpen}&includePaid={includePaid}

Get rent demands for the tenant role

POST api/tenancy/tenanciesoverview?tenancyRoleStatus={tenancyRoleStatus}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get financial overview for tenancies in particular status

POST api/tenancy/{id}/updatetenancykeyinformation

Updates a tenancies key information


Controller for long running jobs

POST api/job/SendSystemEmail

Sends a basic email to any specified party.

POST api/job/NormalisePhoneNumbers

Normalises phone numbers for agency

POST api/job/throwMeAnErrorGeoff

Normalises phone numbers for agency

POST api/Job

Issues a request that a job be cancelled if possbile

POST api/Job?email={email}

Starts a test job that send notifications with file links. This is used to test signalr and the docs system.

GET api/Job?jobReference={jobReference}

Gets the status for a job given its reference


Rezi Enum Api.

GET api/enum?typeName={typeName}&systemName={systemName}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}

Returns a list of possible values for an enum if you just specify . Returns a an enum if you specify and .

GET api/enum/suggest/{typeName}/{systemName}

Get enum suggestions for value

GET api/enum/marketingrolestatus?transactionType={transactionType}

Get an enum by its type and system name


Rezi Role Api.

GET api/role/sales/{id}/getepc

Gets EPC from the supplied propertyRoleId

POST api/role/sales/{id}/saveepc

Creates/Overrides the EPC for the supplied propertyRoleId

POST api/role/sales/{id}/clearepc

Clears EPC numbers and Expiry Date and marks all EPC documents as private for the supplied propertyRoleId


Rezi Viewing Api.

POST api/viewing/bookviewing

Book a Viewing.

POST api/viewing/{id}/recordfeedback

Record the feedback against a Viewing.

PUT api/viewing/{id}/editfeedback

Edit the feedback against a Viewing.

POST api/viewing/{viewingFeedbackId}/feedbacknotified?type={type}&notifiedDate={notifiedDate}&negIds[0]={negIds[0]}&negIds[1]={negIds[1]}

Record that the feedback for a Viewing was notified to the vendor.

PUT api/viewing/{viewingFeedbackId}/editfeedbacknotified?vendorNotifiedId={vendorNotifiedId}&type={type}&notifiedDate={notifiedDate}&negIds[0]={negIds[0]}&negIds[1]={negIds[1]}

Edit that the feedback for a Viewing was notified to the vendor.

PUT api/viewing/{viewingFeedbackId}/editfeedbackreviewed?markAsReviewed={markAsReviewed}

Edit whether the vendor feedback for the viewing has been reviewed.

POST api/viewing/bookmultiviewing

Book multiple viewings appointment

PUT api/viewing/{id}/recordslotapproval/{viewingSlotId}?status={status}

Set approval status of viewing slot on multi viewing appointment

DELETE api/viewing/{id}/delete

Endpoint to complete the multi viewing container once individual appointments have been booked.

POST api/viewing/bulkcompleteviewingfollowups

Endpoint to Complete feedback for multiple viewing follow ups.

GET api/Viewing/{id}

Get an Viewing by its id.

DELETE api/Viewing/{id}

Cancel a viewing appointment by id if it exists.


Rezi Group Api.

POST api/sync/mailsync

Syncronise Email with Rezi Events, attach documents etc

GET api/sync/calendarsetup/{personId}

Initially Setup the Calendar, create Rezi Calendar, copy upto 16 Days prior into calendar, create a subscription channel for the callback

GET api/sync/calendarsyncoauthurl/{personId}?sendEmail={sendEmail}

Get the oauth url for the calendar sync service

GET api/sync/emailsyncoauthurl/{personId}/{provider}

Get the oauth url for the email sync service from a provider

GET api/sync/googleanalyticsoauthurl/{brandId}/{personId}

Get the oauth url for the google analytics integration service

GET api/sync/calendarsyncenabled

check if the calendar sync is enabled for this user this could be used to enabled/disable the calendar setup button

GET api/sync/mailsyncanddraftenabled

check if they user has setup their credentials for smap services this could be used to enabled/disable the mail sync button

GET api/sync/mailsendenabled

check if the user has setup their credientials for smtp services

GET api/sync/cronofychannelverify/{negotiatorId}

Forces a call to get updates from Cronofy for the rezi calendar

POST api/sync/cronofycallback/{negotiatorId}/{uniqueIdentifier}

Forces a call to get updates from Cronofy for the rezi calendar

POST api/sync/dezrezlegalcallback/{groupId}

Create Generic Event For External companies to log items on the timeline

POST api/sync/credascallback

callback from credas to notify us of updates to a case

DELETE api/sync/deletecalendar

Forces a call to get updates from Cronofy for the rezi calendar

DELETE api/sync/emailsync

Creates or Updates Email Sync Security Credentials This also uses the credentials to do a quick check and see if they are working it will throw an internal server error if there is an issue with the connection but this may be the server address (set in admin centre) or the username/password

GET api/sync/imapserversetup

check if the user has setup their credientials for imap services


Rezi Offer Api.

POST api/offer/recordoffer

Record offer on a sale

POST api/offer/progressnoteofinterest?offerId={offerId}

Record a note against on a offer

POST api/offer/reviseoffer

Revise offer price

POST api/offer/recordlettingoffer

Record offer on a letting

POST api/offer/recordofferresponse

Record a sale/auction offer response

POST api/offer/recordlettingofferresponse

Record a letting offer response

POST api/offer/recordauctionofferresponse

Record a auction offer Response

GET api/Offer/{id}

Get an offer by its id.

GET api/Offer?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Gets a paged amount of offerss.

DELETE api/Offer/{id}

Delete an offers by id if it exists.


Rezi Milestone Api

POST api/milestone/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a milestone.

PUT api/milestone/{id}/attachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Attaches an existing document to a milestone

PUT api/milestone/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a milestone


Rezi API Search Sync Endpoints

POST api/admin/searchsync/start?migrationId={migrationId}

Create and run as search sync request

POST api/admin/searchsync/syncfrom?agencyId={agencyId}&fromDate={fromDate}&singleType={singleType}

Create and run as search sync request


Rezi List Api.

GET api/list/event/{id}

Get an EventListDataContract by event Id.

POST api/list/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

GET api/list/pm/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&accountIds[0]={accountIds[0]}&accountIds[1]={accountIds[1]}&tenancyRoleId={tenancyRoleId}&order={order}

Returns a list of Events in PM

GET api/list/events/filters?context={context}&eventTypes[0]={eventTypes[0]}&eventTypes[1]={eventTypes[1]}&roleTypes[0]={roleTypes[0]}&roleTypes[1]={roleTypes[1]}

POST api/list/appointments

No documentation available.

POST api/list/events/savefilter

DELETE api/list/events/filters/{id}

Marks Event List Filter as deleted

DELETE api/list/property/filters/{id}

Marks Property List Filter as deleted

DELETE api/list/groups/filters/{id}

Marks Groups List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/groups?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/list/negotiators?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/list/teams?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/list/groups/groupidsfiltered

Get list of group ids

GET api/list/groups/filters?context={context}&roleType={roleType}

PUT api/list/groups/savefilter

POST api/list/groupinterests?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of groups and what they are interested in.

POST api/list/groupinterests/groupinterestidsfiltered

Get list of groups and what they are interested in.

GET api/list/groupinterests/filters?context={context}

PUT api/list/groupinterests/savefilter

DELETE api/list/groupinterests/filters/{id}

Marks Groups List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/property?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/list/property/propertyidsfiltered

Get list of RoleIds for property marketing roles

POST api/list/property/salespipeline?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/list/property/polygon?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Searches for properties that are within a polygon

POST api/list/property/savefilter

GET api/list/property/filters?context={context}&roleType={roleType}

POST api/list/property/csv

Generates a csv file from selected property list items

POST api/list/lettingproperty/csv

Generates a csv file from selected letting property list items

POST api/list/propertypipeline/csv

Generates a csv file from selected property list items

POST api/list/events/csv

Generates a csv file from selected event list items

POST api/list/eventreporting/csv

Generates a csv file from selected event list items

POST api/list/groups/csv

Generates a csv file from selected group list items

POST api/list/groupinterests/csv

Generates a csv file from selected group interest list items

POST api/list/activesearches/csv

Generates a csv file from selected group list items

POST api/list/groupmatches/csv

Generates a csv file from group matches by property role id

POST api/list/propertyfinancial/csv

Generates a csv file from selected group list items

POST api/list/propertynewbusiness/csv

Generates a csv file from selected property list items

POST api/list/viewings/csv

Generates a csv file from selected viewings.

POST api/list/todos?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of todos

GET api/list/todos/filters?context={context}

PUT api/list/todos/savefilter

DELETE api/list/todos/filters/{id}

Marks Todo List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/todotasks?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of todos tasks.

GET api/list/todotasks/filters?context={context}

PUT api/list/todotasks/savefilter

DELETE api/list/todotasks/filters/{id}

Marks Todos task List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/followups?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Gets a list of group followups

PUT api/list/followups/savefilter

Save follow up filter

GET api/list/followups/filters?roleType={roleType}&context={context}

Get all saved follow up list filters

DELETE api/list/followups/filters/{id}

Marks Follow Up List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/feedback/followups?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Gets a list of group followups

PUT api/list/feedback/followups/savefilter

Save feedback follow up filter

GET api/list/feedback/followups/filters?roleType={roleType}&context={context}

Get all saved feedback follow up list filters

DELETE api/list/feedbackfollowups/filters/{id}

Marks Feedback Follow Up List Filter as deleted

POST api/list/pm/certificatesandlicences

POST api/list/pm/properties

Used to return a list of properties in PM

POST api/list/pm/companies

Returns a list of companies in PM

POST api/list/pm/landlords

Returns a list of landlords in PM

POST api/list/pm/tenants

Returns a list of Tenants in PM

POST api/list/pm/appointments

Returns a list of Appointments in PM

POST api/list/pm/inspections

Returns a list of Inspections in PM from a particular Property

POST api/list/pm/tenancy

Returns a list of Tenancies in PM

GET api/list/listsearchschema?filterName={filterName}

Filter for follow ups


GET api/tax/agentheld

Get all tax held by agent

POST api/tax/pay/hmrc

Pay tax out of tax held account

POST api/tax/{id}/setasdefault

Set default tax rate for the accounting system

POST api/tax/create

Create a new tax rate for the system

GET api/Tax

Get Tax rates


Rezi Post Template Api.

GET api/rezipost/wordtemplate/{documentId}

Gets an existing template from the system and appends the webextension data into it before returning it. so that word will open the rezi post addin automatically and know details of the template it has opened.

GET api/rezipost/newwordtemplate/{envelopeId}

Creates a new template appends the webextension data into it before returning it. so that word will open the rezi post addin automatically and know details of the template it has opened.


Rezi Tag Api.

GET api/tag/{name}

Get a tag by its name

GET api/tag/list?identifiers[0]={identifiers[0]}&identifiers[1]={identifiers[1]}

Get a list of tags by a list of ids

GET api/tag

No documentation available.

GET api/tag/suggest?name={name}

Get tag suggestions for value

POST api/tag/Save


Rezi Feature Api.

GET api/feature/{name}

Get a feature by its name

GET api/feature/list?identifiers[0]={identifiers[0]}&identifiers[1]={identifiers[1]}

Get a list of features by a list of ids

GET api/feature/suggest?name={name}

Get feature suggestions for value


Rezi Key Api.

GET api/key/all?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Gets a summary of all keys in an agency.


POST api/receipt/addfunds

Add funds to an account/group by id or suspense account

POST api/receipt/agentdeposit

Add agent funds into the system

POST api/receipt/interestearned

Add interest earned to suspense account

PUT api/receipt/clearfunds

Make uncleared funds as cleared.

PUT api/receipt/unclearfunds

Make cleared funds as uncleared.

POST api/receipt/withdrawfunds

Withdraw funds for the agent

POST api/receipt/recordpayment

Makes payment to supplied account.

POST api/receipt/paymentitem

Saves a payment item to be processed

GET api/receipt/paymentitem

Get saved payment items

GET api/receipt/paymentitem/{bankaccountid}

Get saved payment item for specific bank account

DELETE api/receipt/paymentitem?id={id}

Delete a payment item

PUT api/receipt/paymentitem?negotiatorId={negotiatorId}&manualProcess={manualProcess}

Process payment items

POST api/receipt/fundsshortfall

Records funds from office account into client account and then to client if necessary.

GET api/receipt/paymentitemdetails/{id}

Web-API endpoint for Rezi Post

GET api/receipt/statement/overview/{id}

Gets the payment item details as a

GET api/receipt/paymentitemdocumentid/{id}

Gets the payment item document id/>

GET api/receipt/bulkPayment

Gets bulk payments details/>

POST api/receipt/paymentitem/detachdocument/{paymentItemId}

Detaches preview doc from a payment item


Rezi Property ToDo Api.

POST api/todo/property/savetodo

Save or Updates a Property ToDo and and its tasks

PUT api/todo/property/addtasks

Add tasks to a Property ToDo

GET api/todo/property/taskprofile?taskId={taskId}

Get the profile infos for a propery task


Rezi Local Authority Description API

POST api/localauthoritydescription/Save

Save or update an Local Authority Description

GET api/LocalAuthorityDescription/{id}

Get an Local Authority Description by its Id

DELETE api/LocalAuthorityDescription/{id}

Delete an Local Authority Description by its Id


Rezi Event ToDo Api.

POST api/todo/event/savetodo

Save or Updates a Event ToDo and and its tasks

PUT api/todo/event/addtasks

Add tasks to a Event ToDo

GET api/todo/event/task/{eventId}?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Gets all tasks for a particular event / appointment

POST api/todo/event/task/duedate

Updates the due date of an event task


Rezi Tag Description Api

POST api/tagdescription/Save

DELETE api/tagdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/TagDescription/{id}


POST api/featureprovisioning/enrollagency?featureSystemName={featureSystemName}

Enrolls an agency into a feature


Rezi Group ToDo Api.

POST api/todo/group/savetodo

Saves or Updates a Group ToDo and its tasks

POST api/todo/group/savenextcalldate

No documentation available.

PUT api/todo/group/addtasks

Add task to a Group ToDo

GET api/todo/group/taskprofile?taskId={taskId}

Get the profile infos for a task

GET api/todo/group/getupcomingtask?groupId={groupId}

Get the todo and latest task for a group

GET api/todo/group/gettasksfrom?groupId={groupId}&from={from}

Get the todo and tasks for a group Do not include the from parameter if you want all of the outstanding todotasks


Rezi Property Historical Price Api.

GET api/property/{id}/historicalprices?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get historical prices for a property by its Id

GET api/property/historicalprices/postcode/{postcode}?propertyType={propertyType}&styleType={styleType}&leaseType={leaseType}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get historical prices for a property by its Id

GET api/property/historicalprices/radius?propertyId={propertyId}&latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&mileRadius={mileRadius}&propertyType={propertyType}&styleType={styleType}&leaseType={leaseType}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get historical prices within a radius of a location


Rezi Progression Api.

POST api/progression/addprogressionnote

Add a note to a purchasing role

POST api/progression/editprogressionnote/{noteId}

Edits a note from the sales progression role without deleting the original one.

PUT api/progression/withdrawinstruction

Add withdrawalvaluation to a property sales role

PUT api/progression/withdrawvaluation

Add WithdrawVal to a property sales role

POST api/progression/savecontact

Add a new contact to the given progression Role or edit an existing contact

POST api/progression/removecontact

Remove an existing progression contact from the progression role

GET api/progression/getallcontacts?progressionRoleId={progressionRoleId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&progressionRoleType={progressionRoleType}

Get all progression contacts for the given progression role

GET api/progression/getallmilestones?progressionRoleId={progressionRoleId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&milestoneLeaseType={milestoneLeaseType}&progressionRoleType={progressionRoleType}&milestoneStatus={milestoneStatus}&milestoneCategoryType={milestoneCategoryType}

Get all progression milestones for the given progression role

GET api/progression/milestonessummary?progressionRoleId={progressionRoleId}&milestoneLeaseType={milestoneLeaseType}&milestoneCategoryType={milestoneCategoryType}

Get a progression milestone summary for the given progression role

GET api/progression/milestone/{id}

POST api/progression/milestone/save

DELETE api/progression/{id}/deletemilestone/{milestoneId}

Delete milestone on Progression role

POST api/progression/milestone/addnote

Add a note to an individual progression milestone

POST api/progression/milestone/{roleId}/add

Add a milestone to a role.

PUT api/progression/milestones/reset?purchasingRoleId={purchasingRoleId}&roleId={roleId}

Reset all progression milestones

PUT api/progression/milestones/order?purchasingRoleId={purchasingRoleId}

Set milestone orders

PUT api/progression/milestones/add?purchasingRoleId={purchasingRoleId}

Save a new milestone

PUT api/progression/milestones/remove?purchasingRoleId={purchasingRoleId}&milestoneId={milestoneId}

Remove a new milestone

POST api/progression/bulkwithdrawvaluations

Bulk withdrawal valuations from a property role


Rezi GlobalSearch Api.

GET api/globalsearch/people

Search for People across the system.

GET api/globalsearch/properties

Search for Properties across the system.

GET api/globalsearch/groups

Search for Groups across the system.

GET api/globalsearch/auctions

Search for Actions across the system.

GET api/globalsearch/suggest?text={text}&suggestSize={suggestSize}

Auto complete global search

GET api/GlobalSearch?term={term}&excludeDeleted={excludeDeleted}&excludeArchived={excludeArchived}&lastUpdated={lastUpdated}

The main endpoint for a global search across all entities in the system.


POST api/admin/migrations/updatestepstatus?id={id}&stepType={stepType}&status={status}

POST api/admin/migrations/updatestatus?id={id}&status={status}

POST api/admin/migrations/queue/negotiator

POST api/admin/migrations/queue/people

POST api/admin/migrations/queue/property

POST api/admin/migrations/queue/events

POST api/admin/migrations/queue/files


Rezi Reporting Api.

POST api/reporting/realtime

POST api/reporting/chart

POST api/reporting/csv

Request Csv for either set of negotiators or set of branches, with specified set of ReportFacets.

POST api/reporting/negotiator

POST api/reporting/branch

POST api/reporting/branches/csv

GET api/reporting/v2/reporttypes

No documentation available.

GET api/reporting/v2/configure?reportClass={reportClass}

No documentation available.

GET api/reporting/v2/json?ReportClass={ReportClass}&From={From}&To={To}&BranchId={BranchId}&FilterId={FilterId}&UseAskingPrice={UseAskingPrice}&ExcludeDuplicatePropertyRoles={ExcludeDuplicatePropertyRoles}&UseEventPrices={UseEventPrices}&TimezoneOffset={TimezoneOffset}

No documentation available.

GET api/reporting/v2/csv?ReportClass={ReportClass}&From={From}&To={To}&BranchId={BranchId}&FilterId={FilterId}&UseAskingPrice={UseAskingPrice}&ExcludeDuplicatePropertyRoles={ExcludeDuplicatePropertyRoles}&UseEventPrices={UseEventPrices}&TimezoneOffset={TimezoneOffset}

No documentation available.

GET api/reporting/v2/state?reportId={reportId}&stateId={stateId}

No documentation available.

POST api/reporting/v2/state

No documentation available.


Rezi Room Description Api

POST api/roomdescription/Save

PUT api/roomdescription/{id}/attachexternaldocumenttoroom?roomId={roomId}

Attaches an externally hosted document to a room within a room description.

PUT api/roomdescription/{id}/uploadandattachdocumenttoroom?roomId={roomId}

Uploads and attaches a document to room description room - the new document is appended to the current list.

PUT api/roomdescription/{id}/attachdocumentoroom?documentId={documentId}&roomId={roomId}&insertAtIndex={insertAtIndex}

Attaches the document to room.

PUT api/roomdescription/{id}/detachdocumentfromroom?documentId={documentId}&roomId={roomId}

Detaches a document from a room description room.

DELETE api/roomdescription/Delete?id={id}

POST api/roomdescription/setimages

Allows you to specify a list of documentIds for a roomDescriptions room - this list will overwrite any existing list of documents on that room, and order will be honoured.

PUT api/roomdescription/{id}/attachtorole?roleId={roleId}

Attach a RoomDescription to a PropertyMarketingRole

GET api/RoomDescription/{id}


Rezi Furnishing Description Api

POST api/furnishingdescription/Save

DELETE api/furnishingdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/FurnishingDescription/{id}


Rezi People Api.

GET api/people/{id}

Get a person by its Id

GET api/people/{id}/searching

Get Searching Roles for a Person

GET api/people/{id}/selling

Get Selling Roles for a Person

GET api/people/{id}/letting

Get Letting Roles for a Person

POST api/people/{id}/addcontactitem

Add a ContactItem to a Person

PUT api/people/{id}/removecontactitem/{contactItemid}

Remove a ContactItem from a Person

GET api/people/unsubscribe/{id}

Get All contact items for a person, but obscure the details

POST api/people/unsubscribe/{id}

Unsubscribe/Subscribe All contact items for a person

PUT api/people/{id}/updatedetails

Update a Persons Details

PUT api/people/{id}/addaddress

Add an Address to a Person

PUT api/people/{id}/removeaddress/{addressId}

Remove an Address from a Person

PUT api/people/updateperson

Update a Person's detailsCommand

PUT api/people/updatepeople

Update a Person's detailsCommand

POST api/people/{id}/savenote?note={note}

Add a Note to a Person

POST api/people/sendnotification

Sends a user notification to the specified user

POST api/people/searchcontacts

Search contacts based on the phone number provided

PUT api/people/setpaymentdetails

Set the payment details for a person

PUT api/people/setprimarypaymentdetails?id={id}&accountId={accountId}&tenantRoleId={tenantRoleId}

Set the primary payment details for a person

PUT api/people/removebankaccount?id={id}&accountId={accountId}

Deletes the persons bank account details

GET api/people/{id}/accounts

Get the bank details for a person

GET api/people/findbyemail?emailAddress={emailAddress}

Returns a list of people that have the supplied email address.

GET api/people/findbydetails?surname={surname}&postcode={postcode}&email={email}&telephone={telephone}&mobile={mobile}

Searches people based on the fields provided.

GET api/people/findbyidentity?issuer={issuer}&nameidentifier={nameidentifier}

Gets the person by an identity reference

GET api/people/{id}/roles?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get basic role infomation for a Person by PersonId

GET api/people/{id}/redactionstatus

Redaction Status for a Person by PersonId

POST api/people/{id}/redact?note={note}&sendEmail={sendEmail}

Redact a Person by PersonId First request is just logged as an event Second request must be by a branch admin and actually redacts the person Only set sendEmail to false for internal bulk redact requests, the normal process requires an email. This will also suppress notifications to the negotiator.

POST api/people/group/{groupId}/redactwholegroup?note={note}&sendEmail={sendEmail}

Redact every member of a group by groupid Each first request for a group member is just logged as an event Second request for each member must be by a branch admin and actually redacts the person Only set sendEmail to false for internal bulk redact requests, the normal process requires an email. This will also suppress notifications to the negotiator

POST api/people/{id}/updateservicetypes

Update the service types by PersonId This cannot be used internally as they do not have the right to move status up to to approved Only the client does

POST api/people/{id}/updateamarketingpreference

Update a markerting preference by PersonId This cannot be used internally as they do not have the right to move status up to to approved Only the client does

GET api/people/{id}/documents?subTypes[0]={subTypes[0]}&subTypes[1]={subTypes[1]}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type={type}&orderDesc={orderDesc}

Get a list of documents belonging to a group

POST api/people/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a person.

PUT api/people/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detatch a document from a person.

GET api/people/group/{groupId}

Get a list of persons by its group id

GET api/people/{id}/bankReferences

Gets the Bank References for a person

POST api/people/{id}/bankReferences

Creates a bank reference for a person

POST api/people/{id}/bankReferences/{bankReferenceId}

Updates a bank reference for a person

DELETE api/people/{id}/bankReferences/{bankReferenceId}

Deletes a bank reference for a person


Rezi Default ToDo Api.

GET api/todo/{id}

Get a ToDo by Id

GET api/todo/getall?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get the list of all ToDo's if no parameter is sent; if provided will filter by ToDo type

GET api/todo/getclaimedtask?taskId={taskId}

Get Claimed Task by id

GET api/todo/activetasks?toDoId={toDoId}&ignoreDueDate={ignoreDueDate}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get the list of active tasks of a Todo

GET api/todo/completedtasks?toDoId={toDoId}

Get the list of completed tasks of a Todo

GET api/todo/teamtodos?branchId={branchId}

Get the list of completed tasks of a Todo

PUT api/todo/updatetaskrecurrence

Update the date of recurrence of a task

PUT api/todo/completetask

If Due Date is not populated a complete flag is set or if Due Date is populated a recurrence is set

PUT api/todo/claimtask

Sets the claiming negotiator for the task

PUT api/todo/reassigntodo

Reassign a todo to different negotiator(s)

PUT api/todo/canceltodo

Cancel a to-do list from the tile overview of to-dos

PUT api/todo/canceltasks

Cancel a single or multiple tasks from a to-do bucket

PUT api/todo/reassigntodotasks

Reassign a list of tasks to different negotiator(s)

PUT api/todo/releasetask?taskId={taskId}

Release task

PUT api/todo/snoozetask

Snooze task

POST api/todo/addtasknote

Add note for a task

GET api/todo/gettasknotes/{id}

Get notes for a task

POST api/todo/addtodonote?toDoId={toDoId}

Add note for a ToDo

GET api/todo/gettodonotes?todoId={todoId}

Returns all notes for todo

GET api/todo/getleads?branchId={branchId}&excludeTasks={excludeTasks}

Get the list of all InboundLead ToDo's

PUT api/todo/canceltask

Cancel the Task. Used for cancelling the Lead Requests.

PUT api/todo/cancelleadandtask

Cancel the Task. Used for cancelling the Lead Requests.

PUT api/todo/assignleadstoowningnegotiators?toDoId={toDoId}

Assign InboundLead Todos to the owning Negotiators of the property.

PUT api/todo/assigntasktonegotiator?taskId={taskId}&negotiatorId={negotiatorId}

Assign a task to a negotiator by its Id.

PUT api/todo/assignleadstopredefinedteams?toDoId={toDoId}

Assign InboundLead Todos to the predefined neg teams. e.g. Sales Valuers, Sales Viewings, Lettings Viewings etc etc

PUT api/todo/assignleadsforspecifiednegs

Assign InboundLead Todos to all the specified Negs using round-robin assignement.

GET api/todo/gettodosbyid?ids[0]={ids[0]}&ids[1]={ids[1]}

Return list of tasks, corresponding to task ids passed in.


Identity Controller

GET api/identity/Get

Gets all of the identities for the logged in person

POST api/identity/Add?personId={personId}

Adds a new identity (E.g. Facebook Identity, Twitter identity etc.) to a person

PUT api/identity/Remove?personId={personId}&identityId={identityId}

Removes an identity (E.g. Facebook Identity, Twitter identity etc.) from a person


Rezi Enlisted Feature Api.

GET api/enlistedfeature/getvalidforrole/{roleId}

GET api/enlistedfeature/getvalidforagency

Gets all the active features for an agency

POST api/enlistedfeature/save

POST api/enlistedfeature/executestep/featureConfiguration/{featureConfigurationId}/step/{stepId}/role/{roleId}?chosenExternalProviderId={chosenExternalProviderId}


POST api/transfer/interaccount

Transfer funds between bank accounts (also Deposit Cash/Cheques from Cash Held)

POST api/transfer/contra

Contra funds between ledgers

POST api/transfer/suspend

Move funds to suspense account to another ledger

POST api/transfer/unsuspend

Move funds from suspense account to another ledger


Rezi Simple Web Gateway API.

POST api/simplepropertyrole/search

Performs a search using the specified criteria Please note, you should not use a page size over 50, if you need all of your properties, please do multiple requests and page through the data The page size will be capped if the size is too big. Also, do not poll for data at specific times or intervals, add some randomness to the calls to spread the load. If you are attempting to keep your own data in sync, please contact Dezrez and ask for details of the PropertyUpdate Webhook This will send a message to a url of your choosing to notify you of new or updated properties, this would reduce the load on both your system and ours, and will make your data absolutely live.

GET api/simplepropertyrole/{roleId}

Get a property with an associated role by their Id's

GET api/simplepropertyrole/custom/{groupName}/{roleId}

Get a a custom property from a custom field group with an associated role by their Id's


Rezi Room Api.

GET api/room/{id}

Get a room by its Id


Rezi Region Controller

GET api/region/{id}?source={source}

Gets a region by it's Id

POST api/region/save

Save region

POST api/region/alias/save

Save or update a region alias

GET api/region/{id}/nearby

Gets the nearby regions for a region

POST api/region/suggest

GET api/region/favourites

Returns favorite regions

GET api/region/favourites/{favouriteRegionId}

Returns favorite regions

POST api/region/favourites/add

Add a region to your list of favourites

DELETE api/region/favourites/{favouriteRegionId}

Remove a region from your favourites


Manage webhooks in the core API

POST api/webhook/create/{triggerName}

Creates a new webhook in the system (scoped to agency)

DELETE api/webhook/{webhookId}

Deletes an existing webhook.

GET api/webhook/list?triggerFilterName={triggerFilterName}

Lists all of the webhooks currently set up.

GET api/webhook/{webhookId}

Gets a webhook by its ID

GET api/webhook/triggers

List all webhook triggers


Rezi Agency Api.

GET api/app/all

Gets all the apps

GET api/app/widgetcompatible

Gets all the apps that are able to be a widget

GET api/app/setting/{widgetId}/widget

Gets the settings for a particular widget

POST api/app/setting/{widgetId}/widget

Creates Or Updates

DELETE api/app/setting/{widgetId}/widget

Deletes/Resets Settings

GET api/app/auth/{widgetId}/url/{brandId}/brand

Gets An Authorization Url for a brand Based on the External Provider the widget is associated with

GET api/app/auth/{provider}/url/{brandId}/brand

Gets An Authorization Url for a brand By provider name

GET api/app/auth/{widgetId}/url/agency

Gets An Authorization Url for a agency Based on the External Provider the widget is associated with

GET api/app/auth/{provider}/url/agency

Gets An Authorization Url for a agency By provider name

GET api/app/auth/{widgetId}/url/{branchId}/branch

Gets An Authorization Url for a branch Based on the External Provider the widget is associated with

GET api/app/auth/{provider}/url/{branchId}/branch

Gets An Authorization Url for a branch By provider name

GET api/app/auth/{provider}/url/{personId}/person

Gets An Authorization Url for a person By provider name

GET api/app/auth/{widgetId}/package?brandId={brandId}

Gets An Token Package Based on the External Provider the app is associated with

POST api/app/endpoint/{provider}

Proxy Endpoint For Authenticated Requests To External Providers Based on the External Provider the app is associated with, Authentication is taken care of by the service

POST api/app/authkey/{provider}/{entityId}

Update Auth key for a provider Add the provider name (provided by rezi for your app), the agency, branch or brand id you would like to attach this too. And specify the authKey as a string "abcdefg" in the body of the request

GET api/app/extractionengine/{extractionEngineFlags}/{groupId}

Gets An Token Package Based on the External Provider the app is associated with

GET api/app/actionengine/{actionEngineFlags}

Gets An Token Package Based on the External Provider the app is associated with

POST api/app/extractionengine/referred

Record a Referral Based on the External Provider the app is associated with

GET api/app/extractionengine/{eventId}/{referralEngine}

Gets event details for referred groups This is for a workflow arrangement, fired from a webhook

POST api/app/bubble/converttothing

Bubble requires data to be initialised to create an internal map for subsequent workflow steps It cannot do this unless the data is returned from an api call, with data arriving in apps from postmessage, the complex context structure is difficult to traverse, this will mean non coders can access all elements using a drop down selection process, similar to zapier This just returns the posted contract to allow this mapping to happen, for client side json conversion

GET api/app/customfield/{entityId}/{customFieldGroupName}/{appliesTo}?customFieldNames[0]={customFieldNames[0]}&customFieldNames[1]={customFieldNames[1]}

This allows app developers to get custom fields against an entity Rezi Post can send this information to clients by means of the customFields merge field

POST api/app/customfields/upsert

This allows app developers to store custom values against an entity

GET api/app/metadata/{entityId}/{appliesTo}?valueNames[0]={valueNames[0]}&valueNames[1]={valueNames[1]}

No documentation available.

POST api/app/metadata/upsert

This allows app developers to store custom metadata against an entity

POST api/app/reporting

Allows apps to access readonly stored proceedures for reporting These stored procs are only written by rezi, and will have to be approved before adding to the system, the stored procs must return a json string

POST api/app/rss

Proxy for RSS Feeds, to get around Cors issues


ReziPM API Accounting Stats

GET api/accountingstats/totalmoneyduein

Total Money Due In

GET api/accountingstats/totalrentdue

Total Rent Due


Rezi Agency Api.

POST api/notification/toast?personIds={personIds}

Will put a toast on a list of negotiators desktops


Rezi Chat Api.

GET api/chat/unreadsummary

Get a count of unread chat messages for the negotiator plus a list of corresponding message id's which are unread.

POST api/chat/savemessage

Save a new chat message.

PUT api/chat/message/markasread/{messageId}

This will update the cache with a new timestamp for when this chat message was last read.

GET api/Chat?messageId={messageId}

Get a previous chat message to append to.

GET api/Chat?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&from={from}&to={to}&messageStatus={messageStatus}

Get all chat messages for the negotiatorId.

PUT api/Chat

Put - to update a chat message.


Locale Controller for localisation, and estateagentization

GET api/locale/{culture}

returns the json file containing localization for the app based on a culture string, and any custom values for the agent


Rezi Dashboard Api

POST api/dashboard/create

Create/Update dashboard

DELETE api/dashboard/{id}/delete

Delete dashboard

PUT api/dashboard/{id}/removewidgets

Remove widgets from a dashboard

PUT api/dashboard/{id}/share

Share dashboard

GET api/dashboard/{id}/getwidget

Get widget

PUT api/dashboard/{id}/setwidget

Add widget to dashboard

DELETE api/dashboard/{id}/deletewidget/{widgetId}

Delete widget on dashboard

PUT api/dashboard/movewidget

Move widget onto another dashboard

PUT api/dashboard/{id}/addnegotiator

Add negotiator to dashboard id

PUT api/dashboard/{id}/setlayout

Set widget layout on dashboards

GET api/dashboard/getshared

Get all shared dashboards

GET api/dashboard/my

Get all shared dashboards

GET api/dashboard/available

Get all available dashboards

POST api/dashboard/createdefault

Create default dashboard.


Rezi Homesearch Api.

POST api/homesearch/gethomesearchaddressid

Get the Homesearch id for an address

GET api/homesearch/getprevaluationreport?addressId={addressId}

Retrieve the Homesearch pre-valuation report for an address

GET api/homesearch/gethomesearchaddressesbypostcode?postcode={postcode}

Retrieve a list of addresses and Homesearch ids for a postcode


Rezi Address Api.

GET api/address/{id}

Get an address by its Id

PUT api/address/{id}/centerpoint

Update the Center Point for an Address

PUT api/address/{id}/viewpoints/add

Adds one or more View Points for an Address

PUT api/address/{id}/viewpoints/edit

Edits one or more ViewPoints of an address

PUT api/address/{id}/viewpoints/remove

Removes one or more ViewPoints of an address


GET api/leads/find?PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}&AssignedReziNegIds={AssignedReziNegIds}&GroupId={GroupId}&LeadTypes={LeadTypes}

PUT api/leads/updategroup

PUT api/leads/updateproperty


Rezi Agency Api.

GET api/agency/branches

Get the branches for an agency

GET api/agency/milestoneconfigurations

Get the milestone configurations for an agency

GET api/agency/administrators

Get the administrators for an agency

GET api/agency/accountmanager

Get the account manager for an agency

GET api/agency/meetingplaces

Get meeting places for an agency

POST api/agency/savemeetingplace

Saves a new meeting place to that particular agency

GET api/agency/fees?transactionType={transactionType}&defaultOnly={defaultOnly}&categoryType={categoryType}

Get fees for logged in agency

PUT api/agency/updatefee

Add or update fee for logged in agency.

DELETE api/agency/deletefee/{defaultFeeId}

Delete fee for logged in agency.

GET api/agency/teams?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&teamType={teamType}

Returns a list of team groups for the agency.

GET api/agency/portalconfigurations?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get a list of portal configurations for the brand within a branch.

PUT api/agency/updateportalcustomisation

THIS IS A TEMPORARY ENDPOINT TO Update a portal customisation against a brand within a branch. PLEASE NOTE: This will be replaced by a FE Tool in future. If not, Security must be improved.

POST api/agency/apikey?subjectId={subjectId}

Issues an API key for use with the simple role/search endpoints

POST api/agency/azureapikey

Issues an API key for use with azure endpoints

GET api/agency/feestructure

Gets the fee structure of the agency

GET api/agency/getvatrate?vatRateType={vatRateType}&vatDate={vatDate}

Gets the current VAT rate unless the date is specified

GET api/agency/{id}/getbrand?brandId={brandId}

Get a specific brand by brandId or default agency brand if brandId is not supplied.

GET api/agency/tenantclause

Get meeting places for an agency

POST api/agency/addbankaccount

Creates a bank account for the agency.

GET api/agency/preferredcompanies?externalProviderType={externalProviderType}

Given a external provider type, return all preferred companies for the agency

GET api/agency/setting?name={name}

Get a Particular Agency Setting

GET api/Agency

Get details of the current users agency


Rezi Document Api.

GET api/document/{id}

Gets a document by its id.

PUT api/document/{id}/savedescription?description={description}

Save the document description. Used for the image caption for the portals.

PUT api/document/setprivacy

Sets the document privacy for an existing document. This is used to change a document from being publicly accessible to being private, and vice versa.

GET api/document/{id}/geturl

Gets the Url from a document given its Id.

PUT api/document/rename

Updates the filename of an existing document.

POST api/document/upload

Upload a document.

GET api/document/{id}/download

Download a document by its id.

GET api/Document?ids[0]={ids[0]}&ids[1]={ids[1]}

Get documents by their ids


POST api/fee/save

Save a new fee into the system

GET api/fee/getall?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of all fees stored


Rezi OccupierAllowance Description Api

POST api/occupierallowancedescription/Save

DELETE api/occupierallowancedescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/OccupierAllowanceDescription/{id}


Rezi Event Api.

GET api/event/{id}

Get an event by its Id

POST api/event/add

Create Generic Event For External companies to log items on the timeline

POST api/event/{id}/addnotetoevent

Put - to update a note on an event.

PUT api/event/{id}/seteventnote?note={note}

Put - to update an event note.

POST api/event/{id}/setstatus

Update Status on an event.

POST api/event/noteevent/add

Adds a note to the provided role

GET api/event/noteevent/noteeditionschain/{originalNoteId}

Get the chain of editions for a given original edited note.

POST api/event/noteevent/edit/{noteId}

Edits a note while keeping the original version

POST api/event/noteevent/pin/{noteId}

Pin a Note

POST api/event/noteevent/unpin/{noteId}

Unpin a Note

POST api/event/recordpropertyownercontact

Records an event on the role representing a neg being in contact for a property they own

POST api/event/addchatmessage

Adds a message to the property

POST api/event/recordownercontact

Records an event on the role representing a neg being in contact for an owner

POST api/event/recordenquiry

Records an event on the role representing a neg being in contact with a person

POST api/event/{id}/setnegotiators

Changes the negotiators for an event

PUT api/event/{id}/setowningteam?teamId={teamId}

Changes the owning team of an event

GET api/event/{id}/roles

Get the roles for an event by its Id


Rezi RoomCount Description Api

POST api/roomcountdescription/Save

DELETE api/roomcountdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/RoomCountDescription/{id}


Rezi Location API

POST api/location/suggest

GET api/location/{id}?type={type}&source={source}

Gets a location

POST api/location/tag/match

Saves a tag to location match


Manage Teams

GET api/teams/{id}

Gets a Team

POST api/teams/add

Add a new Team

GET api/teams/{id}/members

Gets the members of a team

POST api/teams/{id}/members/add

Adds a member to a team

POST api/teams/{id}/members/remove

Remove a member from a team

PUT api/teams/{id}/setteamresponsibilities

Sets the responsibilties for a team group


Rezi CRM Connector Api, Aka Linkz

GET api/crmconnect/servicedetail

Return detail of the service that has been connected with linkz

GET api/crmconnect/globalsearch/property?term={term}&excludeArchived={excludeArchived}&excludeDeleted={excludeDeleted}

Api to search the crm for property and return values in a format acceptable by the rezi global search

GET api/crmconnect/globalsearch/people?term={term}&excludeArchived={excludeArchived}&excludeDeleted={excludeDeleted}

Api to search the crm for people and return values in a format acceptable by the rezi global search

GET api/crmconnect/globalsearch/companies?term={term}&excludeArchived={excludeArchived}&excludeDeleted={excludeDeleted}

Api to search the crm for companies and return values in a format acceptable by the rezi global search

GET api/crmconnect/widgetsearch/people?salesapplicant={salesapplicant}&vendor={vendor}&lettingsapplicant={lettingsapplicant}&landlord={landlord}&tenant={tenant}&postponed={postponed}&active={active}&archived={archived}&hasAddress={hasAddress}&hasTelephone={hasTelephone}&hasEmail={hasEmail}&searchDate={searchDate}&descending={descending}&top={top}

Select sets of people x at a time, for the migration assistant widget

GET api/crmconnect/widgetsearch/companies?postponed={postponed}&active={active}&archived={archived}&hasAddress={hasAddress}&hasTelephone={hasTelephone}&hasEmail={hasEmail}&searchDate={searchDate}&descending={descending}&top={top}

Select sets of companies x at a time, for the migration assistant widget

GET api/crmconnect/widgetsearch/events?viewings={viewings}&valuations={valuations}&offers={offers}&postponed={postponed}&archived={archived}&searchDate={searchDate}&descending={descending}&top={top}

Select sets of events x at a time, for the migration assistant widget

GET api/crmconnect/widgetsearch/property?MarketType={MarketType}&PropertyState={PropertyState}&postponed={postponed}&active={active}&searchDate={searchDate}&descending={descending}&top={top}

Select sets of properties x at a time, for the migration assistant widget

POST api/crmconnect/group?maybeImported={maybeImported}

Get a group from the crm in the json format required to create a group in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/company?maybeImported={maybeImported}

Get a Company from the crm in the json format required to create a company in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/group/displaysettings

get the display settings for a group, this must be submitted with the group when creating it

POST api/crmconnect/group/negotiatorid

get owning negotiator of the group, this must be submitted with the group when creating it

POST api/crmconnect/group/getsolicitor

Get a solcitor for a grouo context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

GET api/crmconnect/property/getrezivendor/{vendorId}

Get the vendor details in the datacontract format required to add a group to a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/salesprogressionnotes

Get all the sales progression notes for a property as a list

POST api/crmconnect/group/getflags

Get the marketing flags for a group in a format that can be submitted when creating a group in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/group/getsalessearchrole

get a groups sales searching role in the save SaveGroupSalesSearchingRoleDataContract format so that it can be created with a group in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/getdocument

Get a document as a stream, so that i can be copied to the browser and then saved back into rezi as a stream.

POST api/crmconnect/document/importcomplete/{documentId}

Record that the document was imported successfully

POST api/crmconnect/group/getdocuments

Get a list of documents from the old crm for a group

POST api/crmconnect/group/getlettingssearchrole

get a groups lettings searching role in the save SaveGroupLettingsSearchingRoleDataContract format so that it can be created with a group in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/group/later

Mark as group as to be imported later.

POST api/crmconnect/event/later

Mark as event as to be imported later.

POST api/crmconnect/property/later

Mark as property as to be imported later.

POST api/crmconnect/company/later

Mark as company as to be imported later.

POST api/crmconnect/group/importcomplete/{groupId}

Mark as the group as imported

POST api/crmconnect/company/importcomplete/{groupId}

Mark as the company as imported

POST api/crmconnect/property/importcomplete/{propertyId}

Mark as the property as imported

POST api/crmconnect/event/importcomplete/{eventId}

Mark as the event as imported

POST api/crmconnect/property/getimages

Get a list of images as CrmConnectPropertyImageDataContract that can be saved to rezi for a property in the old crm

POST api/crmconnect/property/tags

Get the tags for a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/getvirtualtours

Get a list of virtual tours as ExternalDocumentSaveDataContract that can be saved to rezi for a property in the old crm

POST api/crmconnect/property/marketingstatus

Get the marketing status as a datacontract from the old crm in a format that can be saved with a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/withdrawnvaluation

Get the withdrawn valuation as a WithdrawValuationDataContract from the old crm, so that it can be created with a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/withdrawninstruction

Get a withdrawn instruction as a WithdrawInstructionDataContract so that the status of the property can be updated when creating a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/lettingsfallthrough

Get a Fall through for a lettings instruction as a FallenThroughCommandDataContract so that the status of the property can be updated when creating a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/exchange

Get a exchange as a ExchangeCommandDataContract so that the status of the property can be updated when creating a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/completion

Get a completion as a CompleteCommandDataContract so that the status of the property can be updated when creating a property in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getrooms

Get the rooms as a RoomDescriptionSaveDataContract so that they can be added to a property after creation in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getsalesepc

Get the epc details a EPCCommandDataContract so that it can be added and a job started when a property is created in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getdescriptions

Get the descriptions as a CrmConnectDescriptionSetDataContract so that they can be added to a property after creation in rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/translatetobullets

Utility: translate a string into a FeatureDescriptionSaveDataContract

POST api/crmconnect/property/getimage

Get an image as a stream from the old crm, so that it can be pulled to the browser and subsequently pushed into rezi with a property

POST api/crmconnect/group/gettimeline

Get the timeline for a group from the old crm in a structure that is acceptable by the timeline displays TIME RELATED STUFF NEEDS DIFFERENT SERIALIZATION

POST api/crmconnect/company/gettimeline

Get the timeline for a company from the old crm in a structure that is acceptable by the timeline displays TIME RELATED STUFF NEEDS DIFFERENT SERIALIZATION

POST api/crmconnect/event/getimportsteps

Events are sometimes made of multiple steps in rezi, this will create a event as a series of steps for the api to create For example an accepted offer, is an offer, that is subsequently accepted, ie 2 steps

POST api/crmconnect/event/getmissing

An event in the old crm may link properties and people, determine which items are already imported into rezi, and return the remaining items as a CrmConnectMissingEventInfoDataContract

POST api/crmconnect/property

Get a property from the old crm as a AddPropertyCommandDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getvendor

Get a vendor for a property context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getsolicitor

Get a solcitor for a property context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getpurchaser

Get a purchaser for a property context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/gettenant

Get a tenant for a property context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/reset

Get a tenant for a property context from the old crm as a CrmConnectGroupDataContract so that it can be added to rezi

POST api/crmconnect/property/getacceptedoffer

Get the accepted offer for a property as a RecordOfferCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/let

Get the accepted offer for a property as a RecordOfferCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/getacceptedlettingsoffer

Get the accepted offer for a property as a RecordOfferCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/valuation

Get the sales valuation for a property as a RecordValuationDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/salesvaluation

Get the sales valuation for a property as a RecordValuationDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/lettingsvaluation

Get the lettings valuation for a property as a RecordValuationDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/instructiontosell

Get the instruction to sell event for a property as a InstructToSellCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/instructiontolet

Get the instruction to sell event for a property as a InstructToSellCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/marketingflags

Get Property Marketing Flags

POST api/crmconnect/property/occupierallowance

Get the occupier allowance for a property as a InstructToSellCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/lettinginfo

Get the lettings info for a property as a InstructToSellCommandDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/keys

Get the keys for a property as a PropertyKeyAddDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/specialarrangements?name={name}

Get the special arrangements so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/alarms

Get the alarm codes for a property as a PropertyAlarmAddDataContract so that it can be added to the event timeline for rezi when creating a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/gettimeline

Get the timeline for a group from the old crm in a structure that is acceptable by the timeline displays TIME RELATED STUFF NEEDS DIFFERENT SERIALIZATION

POST api/crmconnect/property/getdocuments

Get a list of documents from the old crm for a property

POST api/crmconnect/property/history/{type}/{propertyId}

Creates a job that would either attach property history to a property, if a propertyid is supplied or notify the user with a link to the generated document. This is so people can see the history for a property without importing it into rezi

POST api/crmconnect/createconnection/{branchId}

create the link between rezi and the old crm... secret data contract format!

PUT api/crmconnect/linkz/reset

Resets the connection string etc which is cached


Controller for Unleash feature toggling

GET api/featuretoggling/{featureName}/enabled

Check if a feature is enabled or not


Rezi Role Api.

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/setdeposit

Sets the deposit on a letting role

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/setlettinginfo

Sets the core information on a letting role

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/setfeestructure

Sets the fee structure on a letting role

GET api/role/lettings/{id}/feestructure

Gets the fee structure on a letting role

PUT api/role/lettings/{id}/setheadlandlord?personId={personId}&groupId={groupId}

Set the head landlord for PropertyLettingRole

PUT api/role/lettings/{id}/setrentshare

Set the rent share for landlords on PropertyLettingRole

PUT api/role/lettings/{id}/settobsigned

Set the terms of business for a landlord on a PropertyLettingRole

PUT api/role/lettings/{id}/setnrldetails

Set the NRL details for a landlord on a PropertyLettingRole

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/addlandlordinfo

PUT api/role/lettings/{id}/setidreceived?personId={personId}

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/saveutility

Add or Update a utility for the letting role

DELETE api/role/lettings/{roleId}/removeutility?utilityId={utilityId}

Remove a utility for the letting role

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/setadditionalservice

Create/Update additional service on lettings role

POST api/role/lettings/{id}/removeadditionalservice/{additionalServiceId}

Remove additional service to lettings role tenancy


Rezi Accounts API

GET api/reconciliation/{id}

Get a reconciliation by id

POST api/reconciliation/items

Get all items eligible for reconciliation

POST api/reconciliation/unprocesseditems

Get all items eligible for reconciliation

POST api/reconciliation/historicitems

Get all historic reconciliation items

POST api/reconciliation/start

Start a new reconciliation

POST api/reconciliation/complete

Complete a reconciliation

PUT api/reconciliation/save

Save current reconciliation progress

GET api/reconciliation/{id}/statement

Get statement of a reconciliation

GET api/reconciliation/getcurrent?id={id}

Get the current reconciliation

GET api/reconciliation/account/{id}/statements?onlyCompleted={onlyCompleted}

Get reconciliation statements for bank account

PUT api/reconciliation/cancel?id={id}

Cancel the current reconciliation


GET api/invoice/{id}

Get invoice by Id

POST api/invoice/find?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get filtered list of invoices This endpoint is deprecated, avoid using unless absolutely necesary

POST api/invoice/getallinvoicedetailsforyapily

Get all invoice details needed for Yapily transaction matching on money due in

POST api/invoice/totals

Get filtered list of invoice totals

GET api/invoice/fees

Get agent fees invoices earned

POST api/invoice/sales/create

Create a new invoice

PUT api/invoice/sales/edit?id={id}

Edit a draft invoice

PUT api/invoice/updateproperty?invoiceId={invoiceId}&tenancyRoleId={tenancyRoleId}

Edit regarding tenancy property in invoice

POST api/invoice/{id}/linkfees

Add a fee to an existing invoice

PUT api/invoice/{id}/removefee?attachedFeeId={attachedFeeId}

Remove fee from existing invoice

POST api/invoice/makeallocation

Make an allocation against an existing invoice

POST api/invoice/raisecreditnote

Raise a credit note against invoice items on an invoice

POST api/invoice/saveforlater

Save expected receipts progress

GET api/invoice/saveforlater

Return list of receipts progress amounts

POST api/invoice/savereceiptlistitem

Save receipt list item

GET api/invoice/getreceiptitems

Return list of receipts to process

DELETE api/invoice/removereceiptallocation?receiptItemId={receiptItemId}&invoiceId={invoiceId}&allocationId={allocationId}

Remove a receipt list item allocation

DELETE api/invoice/removesinglereceiptitem?receiptItemId={receiptItemId}

Remove a single receipt list item without and invoice or allocations

PUT api/invoice/processreceiptlistitems?negotiatorId={negotiatorId}

Process receipt list items for a specific negotiator.

DELETE api/invoice/saveforlater

PUT api/invoice/{id}/updatedetails

Update properties on invoice

PUT api/invoice/formalise?id={id}

Formalise a draft invoice and create relevant ledger entries.

POST api/invoice/invoiceoverview

Get a summary of invoices outstanding, paid and funds available for an account.

POST api/invoice/{id}/cancelinvoice

Sets the invoice status to cancelled

POST api/invoice/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to an invoice.

PUT api/invoice/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a invoice

GET api/invoice/invoicedetails/{id}

Gets the invoice details

GET api/invoice/transactionaudit/{ledgerEntryId}

Gets the TransactionAudit information


Rezi Valuation Api.

POST api/valuation/{valuationId}/recordfeedback?feedback={feedback}&impression={impression}&feedbackDate={feedbackDate}&negIds[0]={negIds[0]}&negIds[1]={negIds[1]}

Record and edit the feedback against a Valuation.

POST api/valuation/{valuationId}/feedbacknotified?notifiedDate={notifiedDate}&negotiatorIds[0]={negotiatorIds[0]}&negotiatorIds[1]={negotiatorIds[1]}&vendorNotified={vendorNotified}

Record that the feedback for a Valuation was notified to the vendor.

GET api/Valuation/{id}

Get an Valuation by its id.

DELETE api/Valuation/{id}

Cancel a valuation appointment by id if it exists.


Default Text Generation

GET api/stationary/html/{brandId}

Does a simple merge of the selected envelopeTemplatePack using the data supplied will only use certain merge functions, and the correspondence can only contain one envelope and the envelope can only contain one document.

GET api/stationary/sms/{brandId}

Does a simple merge of the selected envelopeTemplatePack using the data supplied will only use certain merge functions, and the correspondence can only contain one envelope and the envelope can only contain one document.


Rezi Text Description Api

POST api/textdescription/Save

DELETE api/textdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/TextDescription/{id}


Rezi POI Api

GET api/poi/{id}

Gets a POI

POST api/poi/save

Adds POI's

DELETE api/poi/delete/{id}

Delete a Poi by its Id

POST api/poi/search/radius

Search for POI's in a radius from a point

POST api/poi/search/box

Search for POI's inside a bounding box


GET api/authorization/viewvendorid?documentId={documentId}&groupId={groupId}

No documentation available.

GET api/authorization/accessreportingarea

No documentation available.

GET api/authorization/bulkarchivegroups

No documentation available.

GET api/authorization/exportgroups

No documentation available.

GET api/authorization/bulkpaymenttransfer

No documentation available.


Rezi Branch

GET api/branch/{id}

Get a Branch by its id.

GET api/branch/{id}/Brandings

Get a Branch brandings by its id.

GET api/branch/{id}/administrators

Get Branch administrators by its id.

GET api/branch/{id}/members

Get Branch members by its id.

POST api/branch/{id}/addnegotiator

Adds a negoatiator to a branch

GET api/branch/{id}/getbrand?brandId={brandId}

Get a specific brand by brandId or default brand within a branch if brandId is not supplied.

PUT api/branch/updatefee

Add or update fee for logged in branch.

DELETE api/branch/deletefee/{defaultFeeId}

Delete fee for logged in branch.

GET api/branch/fees?transactionType={transactionType}&defaultOnly={defaultOnly}

Get fees for logged in branch.

PUT api/branch/updatefeelevel?feeLevel={feeLevel}

Update the Fee Level Setting for branch

POST api/branch/createscheduledmailmerge

Save a scheduled mail merge.

GET api/branch/scheduledmailmerges?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get all scheduled mail merges for the logged in branch.

POST api/branch/updatescheduledtaskstatus/{id}?systemStatus={systemStatus}

Update SystemStatus of ScheduledTask to Active, Inactive, Deleted or Archived.

GET api/branch/checkkeycodesexist

Check specified key codes exist in branch

GET api/branch/{branchId}/preferredcompanies?externalProviderType={externalProviderType}

Given a external provider type, return all preferred companies for the branch


Rezi Amenity Description Api

POST api/amenitydescription/Save

Save or update an Amenity Description

DELETE api/amenitydescription/Delete?id={id}

Delete an Amenity Description by its Id

GET api/AmenityDescription/{id}

Get an Amenity Description by its Id


Rezi Core Accounts Api Postings

GET api/posting/transaction/{ledgerEntryId}?accountId={accountId}

Get ledger entry details by Id

GET api/posting/suspense?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&sortOrder={sortOrder}&orderByDescending={orderByDescending}

Get all ledger postings in the suspense account

GET api/posting/cash

Get all postings in the cash account for the agent

POST api/posting/addadjustmentitem

Add adjustment to ledger entry

POST api/posting/{accountId}/uncleared

Get uncleared items for account/ledger

POST api/posting/uncleared

Get uncleared items in accounting system


Rezi Group Api.

GET api/group/{id}

Get a group by its Id

POST api/group/delete

Delete a group

DELETE api/group/{id}/deletegroupmember

Delete a contact from a group

GET api/group/{id}/notes?pinned={pinned}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get notes for Group

GET api/group/{id}/noteeditionschains?noteIds[0]={noteIds[0]}&noteIds[1]={noteIds[1]}

Get group note editions chains by their Ids

POST api/group/addgroup

Adds a Group

PUT api/group/{id}/addgroupmember

Add a new contact to an existing group

POST api/group/{id}/savesalessearch

Saves Search Criteria to a Group

POST api/group/{id}/savelettingssearch

Saves Lettings Search Criteria to a group

POST api/group/{id}/setsearchteam

Set the Team Group for a searching role

POST api/group/{groupId}/bulksetsearchteam

Set the Team Group for multiple searching roles

DELETE api/group/{id}/deletesearch/{searchingRoleId}

Deletes Search Criteria from a Group

GET api/group/{id}/salessearching?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get Sales Searching Roles for a Group

GET api/group/{id}/lettingssearching?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get Lettings Searching Roles for a Group

GET api/group/{id}/searching/{roleId}/matches?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&sort={sort}

Get property matches for a Searching Role for a Group

POST api/group/{id}/searching/{roleId}/matches?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&sort={sort}

Get property matches for a Searching Role for a Group

POST api/group/matches/find

Returns property matches using their Id

GET api/group/{id}/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&from={from}&to={to}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}&activeRolesOnly={activeRolesOnly}&propertyId={propertyId}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&roleId={roleId}&includeDrafts={includeDrafts}&showCancelled={showCancelled}&includeOnlyOriginalNotes={includeOnlyOriginalNotes}

Get group events by its Id

GET api/group/{id}/timeline?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&searchTerms[0]={searchTerms[0]}&searchTerms[1]={searchTerms[1]}

Get group events by its Id

PUT api/group/{id}/displaysettings

Edit Display settings for the Group. Primarily shown in the GroupHub e.g. the icon and background image.

PUT api/group/{id}/attachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Attaches an existing document to a group

PUT api/group/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a group

POST api/group/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Uploads a new document and attaches it to the specified group.

POST api/group/{id}/attachexternaldocument

Attaches the external document.

PUT api/group/{id}/setdescription

Sets the description of the specified group

POST api/group/{id}/setbranch

Set the Groups home Branch

POST api/group/{id}/setteam

Set the Groups owning team

GET api/group/{id}/getpropertyroleidsalreadysent?withinDays={withinDays}&resendPriceChangedProperties={resendPriceChangedProperties}

returns a list of the property role ids that should be excluded from mailouts to this role id because the have been sent before

GET api/group/{id}/documents?subTypes[0]={subTypes[0]}&subTypes[1]={subTypes[1]}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type={type}&orderDesc={orderDesc}

Get a list of documents belonging to a group

GET api/group/{id}/offers/made?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get a list of documents belonging to a group

GET api/group/{id}/offers/received?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get a list of documents belonging to a group

GET api/group/backgroundimages?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Return all background images.

PUT api/group/updateprimarygroupmember

Return the Groups with appointments between a given date range, ordered by appointments Count

GET api/group/mostactive?pageSize={pageSize}

Return the Groups with the most viewings between a given date range, ordered by viewing Count

GET api/group/basicapplicantheatmap?pageSize={pageSize}

Return the lat and longs for every applicant in the system

GET api/group/{id}/properties?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Return a list of properties that the group owns

PUT api/group/{id}/saveadditionalinfo

To save or edit the Group additional info i.e. the Origin and Grade.

PUT api/group/{id}/saveadditionalquestions

To edit the Group additional questions

POST api/group/{id}/sendemail

To send an adhoc email to a group

POST api/group/{id}/sendsms

To send an adhoc sms to a group

POST api/group/geoaggregation/{zoom}

Returns GeoAggregations of all searching groups

PUT api/group/{id}/setgroupmemberstatus

Sets members Active/Inactive system status

PUT api/group/setgroupmembersorder

Sets order for members of a group

GET api/group/{id}/roles?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&roleTypes[0]={roleTypes[0]}&roleTypes[1]={roleTypes[1]}&roleStatuses[0]={roleStatuses[0]}&roleStatuses[1]={roleStatuses[1]}

Get the roles for a Group by Group id

POST api/group/recordcontact

Records an event on the group representing a neg being in contact

PUT api/group/{id}/setflags

Sets the interest flags on groups interest role.

PUT api/group/{id}/undelete

Undelete a group

POST api/group/{id}/addpreferredcompany?companyId={companyId}&preferredContactId={preferredContactId}

Add a preferred company to a group

POST api/group/{id}/removepreferredcompany?companyId={companyId}

Remove a preferred company to a group

POST api/group/archivegroups

Archive groups in bulk

PUT api/group/{id}/updatefees

Update the fee for a given group.


Acts as a persistence mechanism for ad-hoc data contracts. Also supports Lists. The default storage time is 1 hour.

PUT api/cache/{itemKey}?timeToLive={timeToLive}

Stores the in the cache subsystem.

GET api/cache/{itemKey}

Retrieves an object stored in the cache system by its

GET api/cache/List/{listKey}

Retrieves a list of objects stored in the cache system by its

PUT api/cache/List/{listKey}/Append?timeToLive={timeToLive}

Adds to the tail of an existing list, or creates a new list with the object in it.

PUT api/cache/List/{listKey}/Prepend?timeToLive={timeToLive}

Adds to the head of an existing list, or creates a new list with the object in it.

DELETE api/cache/List/{listKey}/Item

Removes a given item from the list.

GET api/cache/List/{listKey}/Pop

Pops an items from the list head.

DELETE api/cache/{itemKey}

Deletes the item stored at

GET api/cache/Key

Generate a guid for use as a key


Rezi General ToDo Api.

POST api/todo/general/savetodo

Saves or Updates a General ToDo This is currently used to save quick reminders

GET api/todo/general/taskprofile?taskId={taskId}

Get the profile infos for a task


POST api/admin/agency/{id}/setfeestructure

Sets the fee structure on an agency


Rezi Appointment Api.

GET api/auction/{id}

Get an auction by its id.

PUT api/auction/saveauction

Save or update an auction.

POST api/auction/{id}/confirmlots

To confirm or unconfirm a list of lots for the auction

POST api/auction/{id}/withdrawlots

To withdraw a list of properties from the auction

POST api/auction/{id}/postponelots

To postpone a list of lots for the auction

POST api/auction/savecontact

Add a new contact to the given auction Role or edit an existing contact

POST api/auction/removecontact

Remove an existing auction contact from the auction role

POST api/auction/{id}/recordbid

Record auction bid details


Rezi FloodErosion Description Api

POST api/flooderosiondescription/Save

Save or update a FloodErosion Description

DELETE api/flooderosiondescription/Delete?id={id}

Delete a FloodErosion Description by its Id

GET api/FloodErosionDescription/{id}

Get a FloodErosion Description by its Id


Rezi API Deposit

GET api/deposit/unprotected?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&sort={sort}&ascending={ascending}

Returns a list of all deposit invoices that have unprotected allocations.

GET api/deposit/unprotected/overview

POST api/deposit/{depositInvoiceId}/release

Releases the deposit money back to the user. If invoices are supplied these are created for DepositDeductions

POST api/deposit/schemes/transfer

POST api/deposit/schemes/create

GET api/deposit/schemes/list

GET api/deposit/schemes/{id}/groupings?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

POST api/deposit/landlord/transfer

POST api/deposit/collections

Get deposit collections

GET api/deposit/{id}/getdepositdeductions

Returns a list of invoice deductions linked to the deposit invoice

GET api/deposit/{depositId}/getdepositinvoice

Returns an invoice linked to Tenant Deposit


Rezi List Stats Api.

POST api/list/stats/events

POST api/list/stats/groups

POST api/list/stats/property

POST api/list/stats/groupinterests

POST api/list/stats/todos

POST api/list/stats/todotasks

POST api/list/stats/followups

POST api/list/stats/invoice

POST api/list/stats/tenancystats

Returns a list of values of the queries sent through

POST api/list/stats/tenancyRentStats

Returns a list of values of the queries sent through

POST api/list/stats/tenantstats

Returns a list of totals for tenants with missing information

POST api/list/stats/landlordstats

Returns a list of totals for landlords with missing information

POST api/list/stats/propertystats

Returns a list of totals for properties with expiring information

POST api/list/stats/certificatestats

Returns a list of totals for certificates stats


Rezi Group Api.

GET api/twitter/oauthurl/{brandId}/{personId}

Get the oauth url for the twitter integration service

GET api/twitter/handle/{brandId}

Get the oauth url for the twitter integration service

POST api/twitter/directmessage

Sends a direct message to a screen name

POST api/twitter/tweet

Sends a direct message to a screen name


POST api/admin/database/setperformancelevel?nodeId={nodeId}&level={level}

Set the performance level of a database node


Portal Admin Controller

GET api/admin/portal/getportaluploadsforrole?roleId={roleId}

Get all the live portal uploads associated with a property marketing role


Rezi Digital Signature Api.

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/bounced/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a envelope is bounced by signable

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/opened/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a document is opened

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/cancelled/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a document is cancelled

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/sent/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a document is sent out by signable

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/signed/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a document is signed

POST api/digitalsignature/signable/completed/{fingerprint}

creates an event when a document is completed

GET api/digitalsignature/signable/setup/{brandId}/{logoId}/{colour}?emailAddress={emailAddress}

creates a new account on signable

GET api/digitalsignature/signable/{brandId}

No documentation available.

DELETE api/digitalsignature/signable/delete/{brandId}

delete a sub account on signable

GET api/digitalsignature/signable/cancel/{eventId}

Cancel an Envelope

GET api/digitalsignature/signable/expire/{eventId}

Expire an Envelope

GET api/digitalsignature/signable/remind/{eventId}

Send a reminder for an Envelope


Rezi Agency Api.

GET api/accountingsystem

Gets accounting system for a legal entity

GET api/accountingsystem/systembalance

Gets accounting system balance

PUT api/accountingsystem/systembalance?force={force}

Archives the accounting system

GET api/accountingsystem/taxstatus

Get Tax Status of Accounting System

GET api/accountingsystem/suspense

Get amount of funds held in suspense account of the accounting system

GET api/accountingsystem/agentcash

Gets overview of the agent cash account

GET api/accountingsystem/enum/{enumType}

PUT api/accountingsystem/{id}/setprimaryofficeaccount

Sets office account as primary office account

POST api/accountingsystem/createofficeaccount

Create an office account for the accounting system

PUT api/accountingsystem/{id}/delete

Delete office account

GET api/accountingsystem/officeaccounts

Get list of office accounts associated with the accounting system

POST api/accountingsystem/setprimaryaccount?id={id}

Set Primary Bank Account for Accounting System


Rezi Group Api.

POST api/credentials/upsertusernamepassword

Creates or Updates Security Credentials

GET api/credentials/emailsync/usernamepassword

Gets Email Sync Security Credentials

POST api/credentials/emailsync/usernamepassword

Creates or Updates Email Sync Security Credentials This also uses the credentials to do a quick check and see if they are working it will throw an internal server error if there is an issue with the connection but this may be the server address (set in admin centre) or the username/password

DELETE api/credentials/deleteusernamepassword/{name}

Delete Security Credentials

DELETE api/credentials/emailsync/usernamepassword

Delete Email Sync For a User


Rezi Progression Chain Api.

POST api/progressionchain/{id}/createchain

Create chain for sales progression role

POST api/progressionchain/{id}/addchainnode

Add node to progression chain

POST api/progressionchain/{id}/addchainlink

Add node to progression chain

PUT api/progressionchain/{id}/deletenode

Add node to progression chain

PUT api/progressionchain/{id}/deletechainlink?linkId={linkId}

Add node to progression chain

PUT api/progressionchain/{id}/resetchain

Add node to progression chain

GET api/progressionchain/{id}/getchain

Create chain for sales progression role

GET api/progressionchain/{id}

Get the progression chain for purchasing role

PUT api/progressionchain/{id}/updatenode

Update a node in a progression chain


Rezi Auction Progression Api.

POST api/progression/auction/instructforauction

Instructs a role to be let


Rezi Progression Api.

POST api/progression/sales/instructtosell

Instructs a role to be sold

POST api/progression/sales/exchange

Exchanges a sales role

POST api/progression/sales/complete

Completes a sales role

PUT api/progression/sales/setestimatedcompletiondate

Set the estimated completion date on a purchasing role

PUT api/progression/sales/setestimatedexchangedate

Set the estimated exchange date on a purchasing role

PUT api/progression/sales/setcompletiondate

Set the completion date on a purchasing role

PUT api/progression/sales/setexchangedate

Set the exchange date on a purchasing role

POST api/progression/sales/fallenthrough

Set Marketing Role as Fallen Through


PUT api/inboundlead/discardthelead?leadId={leadId}

Discard the Lead.

GET api/inboundlead/checkformatchinggroups?leadId={leadId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Check for Matching groups for the given leads based on contact item values i.e. Emails and Phones.

PUT api/inboundlead/{todoTaskLeadId}/setleadgroup/{groupId}

Endpoint to update group on inbound lead task

POST api/inboundlead/create?assignToNegId={assignToNegId}

Creates a lead in the system, optinally assigning the lead to a negotiator

GET api/inboundlead/getlead/{id}

Gets a lead by its id

GET api/inboundlead/outstanding

Gets all leads that are awaiting to be processed


Rezi Legacy Api

GET api/legacy/{typeName}/{id}

Legal Endpoints for managing referals to legal providers

POST api/legal/referrals

POST api/legal/thirdpartyreferrals


Rezi Custom Field Group Api

POST api/customfield/{save}

Save a custom field within a predefinied custom field group.

POST api/customfield/updatestatus

Update the System Status of custom field. i.e. Active or Deleted

POST api/customfield/value/save

POST api/customfield/values/save

Saving a list of custom fields to an entity

PUT api/CustomField


Rezi Document Api.

GET api/preview/{docReference}?width={width}&height={height}&rotation={rotation}&quality={quality}&inline={inline}

Gets a temporary document stored by document generation, so that it can be previewed.

PUT api/preview/saveDocx/{docReference}

Save a file sent in native word format, and convert it to the right file format to be saved to disk

GET api/preview/getHtmlDocument/{docReference}

Gets a html document from public storage and returns the html body

PUT api/preview/saveHtmlDocument

Save a file html format

GET api/preview/getTextDocument/{docReference}

Gets a text document from public storage and returns

PUT api/preview/saveTextDocument

Save a file in text format


Analytics integration controller

GET api/analytics/campaigns

returns a list of all of the campaigns for an agency

POST api/analytics/saveorupdategoogle

Updates or Creates a Campaign

POST api/analytics/unlinktemplate/{templateId}

Updates or Creates a Campaign

DELETE api/analytics/delete/{id}

Updates or Creates a Campaign


Rezi Negotiator Api.

GET api/negotiator/me

Get a person by its Id

POST api/negotiator/statuses

Gets negotiators online / offline status.

GET api/negotiator/getbasic?teamId={teamId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get negotiators online / offline status.

GET api/negotiator/getarchived?teamId={teamId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get all archived Negotiators for the Agency's branch.

GET api/negotiator/my/properties/{roleType}?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Used for the Property Sales Dashboard to return a list of the negotiator's properties.

GET api/negotiator/my/properties/favourite?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Lists favourited properties

POST api/negotiator/my/properties/favourite/add/{propertyId}?roleId={roleId}

Add property to Negotiators favourite list

DELETE api/negotiator/my/properties/favourite/remove/{propertyId}?roleId={roleId}

Remove a property from a Negotiators favourite list.

GET api/negotiator/my/groups/favourite?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Returns a list of the logged in negotiators favourite groups.

POST api/negotiator/my/groups/favourite/add/{groupId}

Add a favourite group to the negotiators list of favourites.

DELETE api/negotiator/my/groups/favourite/remove/{groupId}

Remove a group from a Negotiators favourite list.

GET api/negotiator/my/keys?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&checkedOutOnly={checkedOutOnly}

Return all Negotiator keys for the side bar display.

POST api/negotiator/intervaleventcounts

Return interval based event counts for negotiators.

POST api/negotiator/me/setstatus?status={status}

Set the online/offline status of the logged in negotiator

GET api/negotiator/my/preferences

Gets the preferences for current negotiator

POST api/negotiator/my/preferences

Save or Update Negotiator Preferences

POST api/negotiator/my/preferences/emailsignature

Allows you to upload a document for use as email signature

GET api/negotiator/my/responsibilities

Gets a list of the logged in users responsibilities

POST api/negotiator/create

Create New Negotiator

POST api/negotiator/my/biography?text={text}

Update My Biography

GET api/negotiator/my/preferences/timeline

Get a Negotiators Timeline Preferences

POST api/negotiator/my/preferences/timeline

Save or Update Negotiator Timeline Preferences

GET api/Negotiator/{id}

Get a Negotiator by its id.

GET api/Negotiator?teamId={teamId}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&includeInactive={includeInactive}

Get negotiators online / offline status.


Rezi Stats for Property Api.

POST api/stats/RecordVisit/{pageType}/{entityId}?roleId={roleId}

Record and timestamp a visit to a 'page' on Rezi.

GET api/stats/visited/{entityType}

Get all recent history of 'pages' visited on Rezi for a given entity type.

GET api/stats/rightmove/{roleId}


Rezi Auction Role Api.

POST api/role/auction/{id}/setrequestedlotnumber?lotNumber={lotNumber}

Set the requested lot number for a property auction role.

POST api/role/auction/{id}/setlotnumber?auctionId={auctionId}&lotNumber={lotNumber}

Set the lot number for a property auction role.

POST api/role/auction/{id}/addtoauction?auctionId={auctionId}&lotNumber={lotNumber}

Add a property auction role to an existing auction

POST api/role/auction/{id}/removefromauction

Add a property auction role to an existing auction

POST api/role/auction/{id}/setreserve

Set the reserve for a property auction role.

POST api/role/auction/{id}/settype?auctionRoleTypeSystemName={auctionRoleTypeSystemName}

Set the type of auction role (Commercial or Residential)

GET api/role/auction/milestone/{roleId}

Get auction role milestones

PUT api/role/auction/milestone/{roleId}

Update an auction role milestone

POST api/role/auction/milestone/{roleId}

Add a new auction role milestone

DELETE api/role/auction/milestone/{roleId}/{milestoneId}

Delete a custom auction milestone

PUT api/role/auction/milestone/{roleId}/create

Create default milestones for role if they dont exist


POST api/coreplatformstate/reportMigration

Reports that a data migration has been shedueled.

POST api/coreplatformstate/reportMigration/{migrationId}

Reports that a data migration has been shedueled - used by workflow

DELETE api/coreplatformstate/{stateItemReference}

Clears a state item.

POST api/coreplatformstate/platformissue

Allows business workflows to post system issues to the platform state service.

GET api/coreplatformstate/health?criticalSystemCheck={criticalSystemCheck}&agencyId={agencyId}

Gets core platform master health status, returns 200 if everything is fine and 500 if a system is down.

GET api/coreplatformstate/health/timestamp

Gets the api instance timestamp, returns 200 if everything is fine and 500 if the timestamp cannot be retrieved.

PUT api/coreplatformstate/health/reset

Resets the current health state in the cache, this doesn't fix anything but helps if you have agency specific keys stuck in the cache.

GET api/coreplatformstate/health/token?token={token}&ClockSkew={ClockSkew}

Validates a posted token


Reminder Controller

POST api/reminder/remindme

Sets a reminder


GET api/tasks/find?PageSize={PageSize}&Page={Page}&TaskTypes={TaskTypes}&TaskStatuses={TaskStatuses}&SortType={SortType}&AssignedReziNegIds={AssignedReziNegIds}&AssignedTeam={AssignedTeam}&SortAscending={SortAscending}&DueDateFilterFrom={DueDateFilterFrom}&DueDateFilterTo={DueDateFilterTo}


Rezi Text Description Api

GET api/customtextdescription/distinctcustompropertydescriptions

Returns a list of the distinct defined custom descriptions for a property


Manages system wide configuration options and include system wide commands

POST api/admin/system/updateDocumentGenerationMetadataFile

Updates the metadata for document generation merge fields

POST api/admin/system/sendliveportalupdatemessage?propertyMarketingRoleId={propertyMarketingRoleId}

Sends a message to the LivePortalJobHandler that says the specified property marketing role has changed

POST api/admin/system/sendNotificationToAllUsersInAgency?agencyId={agencyId}

Send a live notification to all active users in an agency

POST api/admin/system/CreateNewSystemFeature

Creates a new system wide feature available for activation.

GET api/admin/system/ListAgencies?includeSuspended={includeSuspended}

Lists the name and ID of all agencies in the system.


Rezi StyleAge Description Api

POST api/styleagedescription/Save

DELETE api/styleagedescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/StyleAgeDescription/{id}


Rezi API Tenancy Agreement

GET api/tenancyagreement/{id}

Given an agreement id, gets the tenancy agreement.

POST api/tenancyagreement/{id}/servenotice

PUT api/tenancyagreement/{id}/servenotice


Rezi Role Api.

GET api/role/{id}

Get a role by its Id

POST api/role/pausesearchingroles

Pauses searching roles in bulk (by GroupFilter)

POST api/role/unpausesearchingroles

UnPauses searching roles in bulk (by Id)

GET api/role/{id}/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&from={from}&to={to}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&includeDrafts={includeDrafts}&excludeRevised={excludeRevised}&includeOnlyOriginalNotes={includeOnlyOriginalNotes}&showCancelled={showCancelled}&propertyId={propertyId}&groupId={groupId}

Get role events by its Id

POST api/role/{id}/inspections

Get role events inspections by its Id

GET api/role/{id}/timeline?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&propertyId={propertyId}&groupId={groupId}&searchTerms[0]={searchTerms[0]}&searchTerms[1]={searchTerms[1]}

Get role events by its Id

GET api/role/{id}/noteeditionschains?noteIds[0]={noteIds[0]}&noteIds[1]={noteIds[1]}

Get role note editions chains by their Ids

GET api/role/{id}/noteeditionschainsforsalesprogressionhub?noteIds[0]={noteIds[0]}&noteIds[1]={noteIds[1]}

Get role note editions chains by their Ids for Sales Progression Hub, Activity tab.

GET api/role/{id}/salesprogressionactivityevents?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&from={from}&to={to}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&includeDrafts={includeDrafts}&excludeRevised={excludeRevised}&includeOnlyOriginalNotes={includeOnlyOriginalNotes}

Gets role events for every role within the sales chain

GET api/role/{id}/descriptions?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&types[0]={types[0]}&types[1]={types[1]}

Get the descriptions for a role by role id

PUT api/role/{id}/detachdescription?descriptionId={descriptionId}

Detaches a description from a role

GET api/role/{id}/vendors

Get the members of a role by the role Id

GET api/role/{id}/tenants

Get the tenants of a lettings role by the role Id

GET api/role/{id}/matches?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&adjustedAskingPrice={adjustedAskingPrice}&sort={sort}&minScore={minScore}

Get a list of groups that may be interested in this property role

POST api/role/{id}/matches?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&adjustedAskingPrice={adjustedAskingPrice}&sort={sort}

Get a list of groups that may be interested in this property role

POST api/role/{id}/matchidsfiltered

Get list of role ids

GET api/role/{id}/documents?subTypes[0]={subTypes[0]}&subTypes[1]={subTypes[1]}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type={type}&orderDesc={orderDesc}

Get a list of documents belonging to a role

GET api/role/{id}/documentfromplaceholder?placeholderType={placeholderType}&placeholderSourceType={placeholderSourceType}&groupId={groupId}&documentSubType={documentSubType}

Get a single DocumentPlaceholder which is the 'slot' the particular document of type+source exists within.

POST api/role/{id}/setdocumentplaceholder

GET api/role/{id}/images?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&subtype={subtype}

Get a list of ordered images belonging to a role

GET api/role/{id}/brochures?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get a list of ordered brochures belonging to a role

PUT api/role/{id}/SetRoleImageOrder

Updates the image order on a role

GET api/role/{id}/imageorder

Gets the image order for the role

PUT api/role/{id}/setbrochureorder

Updates the brochure order on a role

PUT api/role/{id}/attachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Attaches an existing document to a role

PUT api/role/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a role

PUT api/role/{id}/detachdocumentfromplaceholder?documentPlaceholderId={documentPlaceholderId}

Detaches a document from a document placeholder

POST api/role/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a role.

POST api/role/{id}/attachexternaldocument

Attaches an externally hosted document to a role

PUT api/role/{id}/updateprice

Update price for a given PropertySalesRole.

GET api/role/{id}/valuation

Gets the valuation for a property marketing role

GET api/role/{id}/valued

Gets the valuation for a property marketing role

GET api/role/{id}/offers?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&excludeDrafts={excludeDrafts}

Get all of the offers associated to the current property marketing role.

GET api/role/{id}/offersbasic

Get a basic list of offers associated to the current property marketing role.

GET api/role/{id}/syncedareas

Get an object of all synced areas to the current property marketing role.

PUT api/role/{id}/updatesyncedareas

Toggle sync area for a given PropertyMarketingRole.

GET api/role/{roleId}/viewingsbasic?showCancelled={showCancelled}

Get a basic list of all viewings for a particular marketing role.

GET api/role/{id}/viewings?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&excludeDrafts={excludeDrafts}&useMinimalMapping={useMinimalMapping}

Get all of the viewings associated to the current property marketing role.

PUT api/role/{id}/updatefees

Update the fee for a given PropertyMarketingRole.

PUT api/role/{id}/addfee

Add a fee for a given PropertyMarketingRole.

PUT api/role/{id}/removefee?feeId={feeId}

Remove a fee from a given PropertyMarketingRole.

POST api/role/{id}/setclosingdate

Sets the role closing date

PUT api/role/{id}/setdefaultimage?documentId={documentId}

Sets the default image of a property marketing role

PUT api/role/{id}/confirmcompliancechecks?negotiatorId={negotiatorId}

Confirms the compliance checks have been carried out on a marketing role

PUT api/role/{id}/setflag

Sets a flag on a property marketing role

PUT api/role/{id}/setcompliancechecks

Set the compliance checks on a property marketing role i.e. Valid Epc, Proof of ID or Proof of Ownership.

PUT api/role/{id}/changeteam?teamId={teamId}

Change the owining team of a Role

POST api/role/{id}/changebranch?branchId={branchId}

Change the branch of a role

POST api/role/{roleId}/setcontractenddate

Change the branch of a role

PUT api/role/{id}/addgrouptopropertyrole

Creates/Adds a group to the supplied roleId

GET api/role/suggest?IsOnMarket={IsOnMarket}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}&Query={Query}&RoleType={RoleType}&RoleStatus={RoleStatus}&SuggestType={SuggestType}

Search for property marketing roles that match the specified search criteria

GET api/role/propertychainsuggest?IsOnMarket={IsOnMarket}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&PageSize={PageSize}&Query={Query}&RoleType={RoleType}&RoleStatus={RoleStatus}&SuggestType={SuggestType}

Search for property marketing roles that are in OfferAccepted or Exchanged status

PUT api/role/{id}/setportaloverrides

Set portal configuration exclusivity overrides

GET api/role/{id}/notes?pinned={pinned}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

POST api/role/{id}/boardrequest

To send an board request email to a external provider

GET api/role/{id}/getbrandportalexclusions?branchId={branchId}&marketingRoleTypeOverride={marketingRoleTypeOverride}

Get all brands with details for an agency

POST api/role/{id}/savebrandportalexclusions

Get all brands with details for an agency

POST api/role/createreferralevent

Creates a referral event on the role

POST api/role/{id}/copy

Clones a property marketing role

POST api/role/{id}/setholdingdeposit

Set holding deposit for marketing role

POST api/role/{id}/payholdingdeposit

Pay funds against holding deposit

POST api/role/{id}/removeholdingdeposit?relatedRoleId={relatedRoleId}

Remove holding deposit from role

POST api/role/{id}/releaseholdingdeposit?relatedRoleId={relatedRoleId}

Reset the holding deposit for a role

POST api/role/printactivityevents/pdf/{id}

Starts the job which will eventually return a PDF with all sales progression activity

POST api/role/reassignownership

Endpoint to Bulk reassign .


Rezi Custom Field Group Api

POST api/customfieldgroup/{save}

Save a custom field group for a predefined type.

POST api/customfieldgroup/updategroupstatus

Update the System Status of custom field group. i.e. Active or Deleted

GET api/customfieldgroup/{typeName}?groupName={groupName}&excludeDeleted={excludeDeleted}

Get a list of custom field groups for a type and optional group name specified.


Tenant Referencing api

GET api/tenantreferencing/products

Gets the available products for tenant referencing

GET api/tenantreferencing/case/{tenancyRoleId}

Gets a tenancy referencing case based on the role id supplied

GET api/tenantreferencing/applications/{caseId}

Gets all tenancy referencing applications for the caseId provided

POST api/tenantreferencing/case/{tenancyRoleId}

Creates a tenancy referencing case using the role id supplied

POST api/tenantreferencing/addapplication/{caseId}/{tenancyRoleId}/{personId}/{productId}

Creates a tenancy referencing application for a case using the details supplied

POST api/tenantreferencing/addguarantor/{caseId}/{tenancyRoleId}/{personId}

Adds a Guarantor to a tenancy referencing application for a case using the details supplied

PUT api/tenantreferencing/submitcase/{tenancyRoleId}/{caseId}

Submits a tenant referencing case for processing

PUT api/tenantreferencing/submitapplication/{caseId}

Submits an individual referencing application for processing

GET api/tenantreferencing/application/{applicationId}/referencingresult

Get the details of an individual application referencing result

POST api/tenantreferencing/register/vanmildert

Register agency with Van mildert, and all of their branches for the 7 day free trial.

GET api/tenantreferencing/vanmildert/order/{propertyLettingRoleId}/{iframeTargetName}

Get a html form element and hidden fields, which can then be submitted to an iframe Containing the references information for a new application

GET api/tenantreferencing/vanmildert/tracking/{iframeTargetName}

Get a html form element and hidden fields, which can then be submitted to an iframe for the tracking page Containing the references information for a new application

POST api/tenantreferencing/vanmildert/ordered/{tenancyRoleId}/{negotiatorId}

Posted via the incomming gateway, this records the oid against the tenancy role so that we know it is is ordered

POST api/tenantreferencing/vanmildert/completed/{tenancyRoleId}/{negotiatorId}

Posted via the incomming gateway, this updates the tenancy referening status for this tenancy and maybe in the future will download documents from vm, store them in our system and attach the documents to the role


Rezi API Accounts

GET api/account/{id}

Get Account By Id

GET api/account/all?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get all accounts paginated

POST api/account/{id}/ledger

Retrieve ledger posting details for an account

POST api/account/ledger

Retrive ledger postings without account id

POST api/account/create

Create account for groupId provided

POST api/account/setstatus

Set an accounts status

PUT api/account/{id}/update

Update account details

POST api/account/{id}/statement

Get a statement for an account

POST api/account/statement/csv

Get a statement for an account

POST api/account/createsystemaccount

Create a new System account eg. new client account

GET api/account/systemaccounts

Get list of all system accounts

GET api/account/{id}/balances?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get balance of an account

POST api/account/pm/list?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of accounts with sorting and searching and by type of group for the accounts

POST api/account/moneyout?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get list of accounts with sorting and searching and by type of group for the accounts

GET api/account/customer/overview

Get an overview of customer accounts

GET api/account/payments/overview

Get an overview of account amounts and totals

GET api/account/{id}/receipts?depositId={depositId}

Get Receipts for account

GET api/account/{id}/deposits

Get Deposits processed for an Account

POST api/account/{id}/invoiceoverview

Get summary of an account based on invoice amounts allocated

POST api/account/{id}/paymentoverview

Get payment overview for an account

GET api/account/{id}/propertypaymentoverview?propertyAccountId={propertyAccountId}&propertySpecificOnly={propertySpecificOnly}

Get payment overview for a property account

GET api/account/systemaccount

Get System Account for the Accounting System

GET api/account/propertyaccounts?groupId={groupId}&withUnpaidTransactions={withUnpaidTransactions}

Get property accounts with transactions which aren't part of a payment

GET api/account/propertyaccountswithbalance?groupId={groupId}

Get a list of basic property account information and balances for accounts associated with a group

GET api/account/{groupId}/tenancies?withUnpaidTransactions={withUnpaidTransactions}

Get a list of tenancies for a group


Rezi Tag Api.

GET api/teamsecurity/permissionsforgroup?teamId={teamId}

This returns security permissions that a group has on other groups

GET api/teamsecurity/permissionsongroup?teamId={teamId}

This returns security permissions that other groups have on specified group

POST api/teamsecurity/savepermission

Save a new security permission for a group


Rezi Property Api.

GET api/property/{id}

Get a property by its Id

GET api/property/{id}/isowninggrouparchived

Checks if the owning group for a property is archived

POST api/property/bookvaluation

A command driven endpoint to Book a Valuation.

POST api/property/recordvaluation

A command driven endpoint to Record a Valuation.

PUT api/property/{id}/updateaddress

A command driven endpoint to Update a property address.

PUT api/property/updatevaluation

A command driven endpoint to Update a Valuation.

GET api/property/{id}/owners/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&from={from}&to={to}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}

Get property events for the current owner by its Id

GET api/property/{id}/events?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&from={from}&to={to}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&eventCategoryType={eventCategoryType}&includeOnlyOriginalNotes={includeOnlyOriginalNotes}&showCancelled={showCancelled}

Get property events by its Id

GET api/property/{id}/timeline?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type[0]={type[0]}&type[1]={type[1]}&excludedTypes[0]={excludedTypes[0]}&excludedTypes[1]={excludedTypes[1]}&searchTerms[0]={searchTerms[0]}&searchTerms[1]={searchTerms[1]}

Get property timeline by its Id

GET api/property/{id}/noteeditionschains?noteIds[0]={noteIds[0]}&noteIds[1]={noteIds[1]}

Get property note editions chains by their Ids

GET api/property/{id}/descriptions?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&types[0]={types[0]}&types[1]={types[1]}

Get the descriptions for a property by property id

GET api/property/{id}/roles?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&roleTypes[0]={roleTypes[0]}&roleTypes[1]={roleTypes[1]}&roleStatuses[0]={roleStatuses[0]}&roleStatuses[1]={roleStatuses[1]}

Get the roles for a property by property id

GET api/property/{id}/documents?subTypes[0]={subTypes[0]}&subTypes[1]={subTypes[1]}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&type={type}

Get the documents of a property by the property Id

GET api/property/suggest?Query={Query}&PageSize={PageSize}&PageNumber={PageNumber}&SuggestType={SuggestType}

Search for properties/addresses that match the specified search criteria

GET api/property/comparables?propertyId={propertyId}&latitude={latitude}&longitude={longitude}&mileRadius={mileRadius}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&branchId={branchId}&isForLetting={isForLetting}

For a given property, will return all comparable property's nearby.

PUT api/property/{id}/attachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Attaches an existing document to a property

PUT api/property/{id}/detachdocument?documentId={documentId}

Detaches a document from a property

POST api/property/{id}/uploadandattachdocument

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a property.

POST api/property/{id}/attachexternaldocument

Attaches an externally hosted document to a property

GET api/property/{id}/valuations?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}

Get all of the valuations associated to the current owner of the property.

GET api/property/{id}/valued?pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&currentOwnersOnly={currentOwnersOnly}

Get all of the valued for current owner of the property. Set currentOwnersOnly to false if you want all valued events on the property regardless of owner

POST api/property/geoaggregation/{zoom}

Returns GeoAggregations of all properties

GET api/property/{id}/owners

For a given property, will return owning PeopleGroup

GET api/property/{id}/keys

Get a list of keys for a property

GET api/property/withkey?code={code}

Get a property for a key code

GET api/property/{id}/alarms

Get a list of alarms for a property

GET api/property/{id}/specialarrangements

Get a list of special arrangements for a property

POST api/property/{id}/keys/add

Add keys for a property

POST api/property/{id}/alarms/add

Add alarm codes for a property

POST api/property/{id}/specialarrangements/add

Add special arrangements for a property

DELETE api/property/{id}/keys/remove?keyIds[0]={keyIds[0]}&keyIds[1]={keyIds[1]}

Remove keys from a property

DELETE api/property/{id}/alarms/remove?alarmIds[0]={alarmIds[0]}&alarmIds[1]={alarmIds[1]}

Remove alarm codes from a property

DELETE api/property/{id}/specialarrangements/remove?arrangementIds[0]={arrangementIds[0]}&arrangementIds[1]={arrangementIds[1]}

Remove special arrangements from a property

PUT api/property/{id}/keys/checkout

Checkout a collection of keys for a property

PUT api/property/{id}/keys/checkin

Checkin a collection of keys for a property

PUT api/property/{id}/addgrouptoproperty

Creates/Adds a group to the CurrentOwners of the supplied PropertyId

POST api/property/add

GET api/property/{id}/certificate

Get a list of certificates for a property

POST api/property/{id}/certificate/add

Add certificate for a property

POST api/property/certificate/update

Update certificate for a property

DELETE api/property/{id}/certificate/remove?certificateId={certificateId}

Remove certificate from a property

POST api/property/uploadandattachcertificatedocument?certificateId={certificateId}

Allows you to upload a document and attach it directly to a certificate.

PUT api/property/detachcertificatedocument?documentId={documentId}&certificateId={certificateId}

Detaches a document from a certificate

GET api/property/{id}/tenantroles

Get a list of all current and ended tenant roles from a property id.

GET api/property/{brandId}/{marketingRoleId}/url

Get a URL for a property for a brand.

GET api/property/{id}/propertyadditionalservices

Gets a list of AdditionalServices added to the property or any of it's tenancies

POST api/property/{id}/setadditionalservice

Create/Update additional service on a property. Defaults to Landlord liability

DELETE api/property/{id}/removeadditionalservice?additionalServiceId={additionalServiceId}

Removes the additional service from the property

GET api/property/{id}/getepc

Gets EPC from the supplied propertyId

POST api/property/{id}/saveepc

Creates/Overrides the EPC for the supplied propertyId

POST api/property/{id}/clearepc

Clears EPC numbers and Expiry Date and marks all EPC documents as private for the supplied propertyId

GET api/property/{id}/minimizedappointments?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}

Gets all appointments related with a property

GET api/property/{id}/imageorder

Gets the image order for the property

PUT api/property/{id}/imageorder

Sets the image order for the property

PUT api/property/{id}/setdefaultimage?documentId={documentId}

Sets the default image of a property

POST api/property/{id}/cloneroledescriptionstoproperty/{roleId}

Clone role descriptions to property

GET api/property/{id}/visited

Get visited value or the property

PUT api/property/{id}/updatevisited

Toggle visited field for property

PATCH api/property/{id}/updateretention

Set retention amount field for property

PATCH api/property/{id}/updatepreapprovedspend

Set pre approved spend amount field for property

PUT api/property/{id}/detachdescription?descriptionId={descriptionId}

Detaches a description from a property


Rezi Accounting Api - Exports

POST api/accounting/exports/batch/create

Get details for batch payment export

PUT api/accounting/exports/batch/{id}/removepayment?paymentId={paymentId}

Remove an individual payment from batch export

PUT api/accounting/exports/batch/{id}/delete

Delete batch payment export

GET api/accounting/exports/list/batches?BankAccountId={BankAccountId}&IncludeProcessed={IncludeProcessed}&ExcludeDeleted={ExcludeDeleted}

Get list of batch exports

PUT api/accounting/exports/batch/{id}/toggleprocess

Record the processed status of a batch payment

POST api/accounting/exports/batch/export

Get batch export csv in a given template


Rezi Appointment Api.

GET api/appointment/{id}

Get an appointment by its id.

GET api/appointment/{id}/Date/{date}

Get details of a calculated appointment using it's id and date.

PUT api/appointment/delete/{id}

Delete an appointment by id if it exists.

PUT api/appointment/cancel/{id}

Cancel an appointment by id if it exists.

PUT api/appointment/cancel/{id}/Date/{date}

Cancel calculated appointment by id and datetime, if it exists.

PUT api/appointment/noshow/{id}

Set the status of the appointment to NoShow

PUT api/appointment/appointmentstatus/{id}

No documentation available.

PUT api/appointment/saveappointment

Save or update an appointment.

POST api/appointment/freebusy

Returns Free/Busy information regarding multiple people.

POST api/appointment/suggest

Auto-picks attendees and the next available appointment slot given the parameters in the request.

GET api/appointment/stats/{eventTypeSystemName}/overview

No documentation available.


Document Generations System (Rezi Post) controller

GET api/documentgeneration/metadata/{major}/{minor}/{build}/{revision}

Returns the data contract to configure the word plugin for creating templates

POST api/documentgeneration/custompack

Generates any correspondence and can allow you to overpost information to the correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/previewpack

Generates a pack using the first selected group/property of a type to get a quick preview of the pack

POST api/documentgeneration/boardordernew

Generates an board ordering New correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/boardorderreplace

Generates an board ordering Replace correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/boardordertakedown

Generates an board ordering Takedown correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/boardorderupdate

Generates an board ordering Update correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmvaluation

Generates a correspondence confirming the booking of a valuation appointment. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/valuationresult

Generates a correspondence confirming the result of a valuation appointment. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/instruction

Generates a Instruction letter correspondence to the vendor of a particular marketing role

POST api/documentgeneration/tenancyagreementast

Generates Tenancy Agreement correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/maintenancejobpack

Generates Maintenance Job correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/paymentstatementjobpack

Generates Payment Statement correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/accountstatementjobpack

Generates Account Statement correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/generatebulkaccountstatements

Generates Bulk Account Statement correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/invoicejobpack

Generates Invoice correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/tenancyguarantor

Generates Tenancy Guarantor correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/withdrawninstruction

Generates a Withdrawn Instruction letter correspondence to the vendor of a particular marketing role

POST api/documentgeneration/reschedulevaluation

Generates a Reschedule Valuation letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/valuationlost

Generates a Valuation Lost letter correspondence to the vendor of a particular marketing role

POST api/documentgeneration/rescheduleepcappointment

Generates a EPC Appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/reschedulemeeting

Generates a meeting letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/cancelvaluation

Generates a cancel a valuation letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/cancelepcappointment

Generates a cancel an epc appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmepcappointment

Generates a confirm an epc appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/cancelmeeting

Generates a cancel a meeting letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmmeeting

Generates a confirm a meeting letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmgeneralappointment

Generates a confirm general appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/cancelgeneralappointment

Generates a cancel general appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/reschedulegeneralappointment

Generates a reschedule general appointment letter correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/offer

Generates a correspondence notifying the vendor of an offer. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/offeraccepted

Generates a correspondence any parties of the acceptance of an offer. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/offerrejected

Generates a correspondence any parties of the rejection of an offer. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/offerwithdrawn

Generates a correspondence to notify any parties of the withdrawl of an offer. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/completed

Generates a correspondence to notify any parties of completion. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/exchanged

Generates a correspondence to notify any parties of exchanged. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/openhouse

Generates an open house correspondence

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmationofviewing

Generates a correspondence to notify all parties of a scheduled viewing. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/cancellationofviewing

Generates a correspondence to notify parties of a cancellation of a viewing. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/reschedulingofviewing

Generates a correspondence to notify parties involved of a rescheduling of a viewing. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/confirmationofinspection

Generates a correspondence to notify all parties of a scheduled inspection. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/cancellationofinspection

Generates a correspondence to notify parties of a cancellation of a inspection. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/reschedulingofinspection

Generates a correspondence to notify parties involved of a rescheduling of a inspection. Uses default values where possible.

POST api/documentgeneration/singlepropertymatch

Generates a correspondence to multiple applicants, sending them all the same property role

POST api/documentgeneration/tout

Generates a correspondence to addresses based on the properties postcode, merging details of the supplied property role

POST api/documentgeneration/singlelettingspropertymatch

Generates a correspondence to multiple applicants, sending them all the same letting property role

POST api/documentgeneration/printablepropertylist

Generates a printable property list, it is targetless so there is no reference to applicants or owners

POST api/documentgeneration/selectedpropertiesmatch

Generates a correspondence to a single applicant, sending them user selected property roles

POST api/documentgeneration/selectedlettingspropertiesmatch

Generates a correspondence to a single letting applicant, sending them user selected property roles

POST api/documentgeneration/multipropertymatch

Generates a correspondence to multiple applicants, sending them a filtered set of the matching property roles

POST api/documentgeneration/multilettingspropertymatch

Generates a correspondence to multiple letting applicants, sending them a filtered set of the matching letting property roles

POST api/documentgeneration/multiplemailout

Generates a correspondence to multiple letting applicants, sending them a filtered set of the matching letting property roles

POST api/documentgeneration/vendorreport

Generates a correspondence to a single group, sending them a single report for multiple properties

POST api/documentgeneration/salesapplicantwelcomepack

Generates a correspondence to a an sales applicant

POST api/documentgeneration/lettingsapplicantwelcomepack

Generates a correspondence to a an lettings applicant

POST api/documentgeneration/vendorwelcomepack

Generates a correspondence to a an lettings applicant

POST api/documentgeneration/viewing/feedback

Sends viewing feedback to Owner / Landlord

POST api/documentgeneration/bulkgrouplistcommunication

Generates a bulk communication pack out to multiple clients in a list.

POST api/documentgeneration/bulkinterestrolecommunication

Generates a bulk communication pack out to multiple clients with interest roles.

POST api/documentgeneration/bulkpropertyownercommunication

Generates a bulk communication pack out to multiple vendors of properties. This will ignore the target type set, as the document could only ever find the vendor as the contact item, so it always defaults to a target type of vendor/owner

POST api/documentgeneration/createlettertemplate

Uploads a new letter template

POST api/documentgeneration/createheadertemplate/{brandId}

Uploads a new header template

POST api/documentgeneration/updatelettertemplate/{id}

Updates a merge letter template

POST api/documentgeneration/renamelettertemplate/{id}

Rename a letter template and change the description

POST api/documentgeneration/lettertemplate/properties/{id}

Update the properties of a template, but not its content.

POST api/documentgeneration/updateheadertemplate/{id}/{brandId}

Updates a header letter template

POST api/documentgeneration/saveenvelopetemplate

Saves or updates the envelope template for an agency

PUT api/documentgeneration/signableOrder/{envelopeId}

Saves or updates the envelope template for an agency

GET api/documentgeneration/signableOrder/{envelopeId}

Saves or updates the envelope template for an agency

POST api/documentgeneration/saveenvelopetemplatepack

Saves or updates envelope template correspondence for a an agency

GET api/documentgeneration/lettertemplate/{letterTemplateId}

Returns a list of lettertemplates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/mergetemplates

Returns a list of lettertemplates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/unusedmergetemplates

Returns a list of lettertemplates associated to this agency that are not currently used in any envelope templates

GET api/documentgeneration/templatesusinganalytics/{analyticsId}

Returns a list of lettertemplates associated to this agency and to a particular google analyitics campaign

GET api/documentgeneration/bagcontent

Returns the detail of the sack of correspondence that has just been prepared

GET api/documentgeneration/sackcontent/{sackReference}

Returns the detail of the all outstanding sacks

GET api/documentgeneration/deletesackcontent/{sackReference}/{envelopereference}

deletes an envelope from the the content of a sack Deprecated in favour of the DELETE verb

DELETE api/documentgeneration/sackcontent/{sackReference}/{envelopereference}

deletes an envelope from the the content of a sack

DELETE api/documentgeneration/envelopecontent/{sackReference}/{envelopereference}/{documentreference}

deletes an document from an envelope

DELETE api/documentgeneration/sack/{sackReference}

deletes an envelope from the the content of a sack

GET api/documentgeneration/printsackcontent/{sackReference}/{envelopereference}

Prints an envelope from a sack

GET api/documentgeneration/processsackcontent/{sackReference}

processes the content of the sack

POST api/documentgeneration/updateemailsackcontent/{sackReference}

updates the content of a sack

POST api/documentgeneration/updatetextsackcontent/{sackReference}

updates the content of a sack

POST api/documentgeneration/updateprintsackcontent/{sackReference}

updates the content of a sack

GET api/documentgeneration/insertabletemplates

Returns a list of insertable templates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/headertemplates

Returns a list of header templates associated to this agency with their associated brand info

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplates

Returns a list of envelope templates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplate/{id}

Returns a envelope template

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepack/{id}

Returns a envelope template pack

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepacks

Returns a list of envelope template packs associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepacktypes?inUseOnly={inUseOnly}&showHidden={showHidden}

Returns a list of envelope template packs associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepacks/{systemName}

Gets a list of the packs for a particular packtype

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepacksummarys/{systemName}?showHidden={showHidden}

Gets a list of the packs for a particular packtype

GET api/documentgeneration/envelopetemplatepacksummary/{envelopeTemplatePackId}

Gets a list of the packs for a particular packtype

GET api/documentgeneration/emailtemplates

Returns a list of email templates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/templates/{templateType}

Returns a list of mergable templates for any type associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/smstemplates

Returns a list of sms templates associated to this agency

GET api/documentgeneration/targetgroups

Get an enum by its type and system name

GET api/documentgeneration/packrequiredtypes/{packid}

Get a list of the packs required types (ie all of the types required by each document in each envelope)

GET api/documentgeneration/packsupportedsendmethods/{packid}

Get a list of the supported sending methods for a correspondence (ie all of the types required by each document in each envelope)

PUT api/documentgeneration/showhideenvelopetemplatepack/{id}?hide={hide}

Show or hide a envelope template pack in rezi post

DELETE api/documentgeneration/deleteenvelopetemplatepack/{id}

Deletes a Envelope Template Correspondence

DELETE api/documentgeneration/deleteenvelopetemplate/{id}

Deletes a Envelope Template

DELETE api/documentgeneration/deletelettertemplate/{id}/{useageLimit}

Deletes a Letter Template

POST api/documentgeneration/createpdf

Creates a new pdf document.

POST api/documentgeneration/recreateepc

Creates a new epc document.

POST api/documentgeneration/recreatepropertymarketreport/{propertyId}

Creates a new Property Market Report document.

GET api/documentgeneration/outstandingprintbag?take={take}

Print all printback contents.

GET api/documentgeneration/outstandingprintbagcount

Outstanding Print Bag Count.

GET api/documentgeneration/printbagcontents

Get all printable envelopes and their content.

POST api/documentgeneration/print

Print specific back contents.

DELETE api/documentgeneration/deleteprintenvelopes

Delete Print Envelopes from the print bags

GET api/documentgeneration/searchmergefields?partialName={partialName}

Search Merge Fields

GET api/documentgeneration/documentSubTypes?DocumentTypeSystemName={DocumentTypeSystemName}

Get the appropriate document sub types for a document type

GET api/documentgeneration/templateusagecount?templateId={templateId}

Get the usage count for a template in envelopes


Rezi Cost Description Api

POST api/costdescription/Save

DELETE api/costdescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/CostDescription/{id}


Rezi Feature Description Api

POST api/featuredescription/Save

DELETE api/featuredescription/Delete?id={id}

GET api/FeatureDescription/{id}


Manages external providers

GET api/ExternalProvider?externalProviderId={externalProviderId}

Returns a URL that will start the process of authorisation with the external provider - normally using the OAuth1/2 protocol suite.


Allows you to create legal referrals

POST api/Peppermint

Submits a referral to dezrez legal


Rezi auction referral Api

POST api/AuctionReferral

Adds a job to the queue to manually refer to auction provider


Rezi temporary document controller

GET api/TemporaryDocument?reference={reference}

Loads the file from the scratch disk