POST api/documentgeneration/selectedlettingspropertiesmatch
Generates a correspondence to a single letting applicant, sending them user selected property roles
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Dezrez.Core.DataContracts.External.Api.DocumentGeneration.Commands.SendSelectedPropertiesToApplicantPackDataContractName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ApplicantRoleId | integer |
None. |
PropertyRoleIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
ExcludedPropertyRoleIds | Collection of integer |
None. |
Filter | Dezrez.Core.DataContracts.External.Api.Group.Query.PropertyMatches.GroupPropertyMatchFilterDataContract |
None. |
SackFriendlyName | string |
None. |
EnvelopeTemplatePackId | integer |
None. |
BrandId | integer |
None. |
BranchId | integer |
None. |
NegotiatorPpId | integer |
None. |
CustomText | string |
None. |
EnvelopeProcessingMethod | Dezrez.Core.DataContracts.External.Api.System.EnumDataContract |
None. |
AutoProcessSack | boolean |
None. |
SendToDrafts | boolean |
None. |
PrintedOnHeaded | boolean |
None. |
WorkflowIndex | integer |
None. |
DestinationPrintBagName | string |
None. |
PostDocGenerationHandler | Dezrez.Core.DataContracts.External.Api.DocumentGeneration.Query.PostDocGenerationHandlerDataContract |
None. |
PreviewOnly | boolean |
None. |
EmailSubject | string |
None. |
Id | integer |
None. |
Request Formats
Sample not available.
application/json, text/json
{ "ApplicantRoleId": 1, "PropertyRoleIds": [ 1, 2 ], "ExcludedPropertyRoleIds": [ 1, 2 ], "Filter": { "BranchIds": [ 1, 2 ], "NegotiatorId": 1, "ExcludeOfferAccepted": true, "ExcludeUnderOffer": true, "MarketedFrom": "2025-01-17T20:42:15.9260996Z", "IncludedRoleIds": [ 1, 2 ], "ExcludedRoleIds": [ 1, 2 ], "ExcludeMailoutDays": 1, "OwningTeamId": 1, "MinScore": 3, "Sort": "sample string 4" }, "SackFriendlyName": "sample string 2", "EnvelopeTemplatePackId": 3, "BrandId": 4, "BranchId": 1, "NegotiatorPpId": 5, "CustomText": "sample string 6", "EnvelopeProcessingMethod": { "Id": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "SystemName": "sample string 3" }, "AutoProcessSack": true, "SendToDrafts": true, "PrintedOnHeaded": true, "WorkflowIndex": 10, "DestinationPrintBagName": "sample string 11", "PostDocGenerationHandler": { "EntityType": { "Id": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "SystemName": "sample string 3" }, "EntityId": 1, "JobHandlerType": { "Id": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "SystemName": "sample string 3" }, "Options": { "sample string 1": "sample string 2", "sample string 3": "sample string 4" }, "DocumentSubType": { "Id": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "SystemName": "sample string 3" }, "AccountingSystemId": 2, "AgencyId": 3 }, "PreviewOnly": true, "EmailSubject": "sample string 13", "Id": 14 }
Response Information
Resource Description
Dezrez.Core.DataContracts.External.Api.Job.Query.Get.JobInvocationDetailsDataContractName | Description | Type | Additional information |
SupportsCancellation | boolean |
None. |
ReportsProgress | boolean |
None. |
InitialStatusText | string |
None. |
JobReference | globally unique identifier |
None. |
Success | boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "SupportsCancellation": true, "ReportsProgress": true, "InitialStatusText": "sample string 3", "JobReference": "c1867990-6cf5-448d-a9d6-43afe7742ac0", "Success": true }